months. Defeating the Giants and seeing the Glory of God at every turn. But now she needs your help. That is right you. How can you help this World Racer you ask? Well you can have a hand in keeping her on the feild. As you know World Racers are totally funded by the gerenous donations of family, friends, complete strangers (friends to meet that is), and all the money we raise goes to providing costs for travel, food and lodging. AIM is a great stewart of what God has given them and has been able to keep the cost of this trip amazingly low. 13,800 is not all that much. And congradulations we have raised 11,000 of that allready and there are still some pledges left to come in.
God is good and he will provide. If you know of anyone who may be interested in supporting missions, send them to my blog page, I would also love to answer any questions you have. Drop me an email. For Canadians you can donate online with a credit card. Just click on the link Support Melissa on the left. Thank you so so much. Love you all. See you in November and not a minute sooner. AMEN