Today was the final day of ministry, wrapping up by far one of my favourite ministries that I have been involved in this month. Let me tell you exactly why…
I worked with Michael, who owns New Tone English studio, helping him and his teachers with their classes as much as I could everyday as a quest speaker. At first it was very intimidating. I am going to be honest with you people, they are more gramatically correct then we are. They use words I do not even know, and I felt very insecure at first and unsure as to what I could bring to the classes.
But then last Saturday I got to sit in Michael’s class for the first time. He is a great teacher, that pushes his students towards excellence, while also creating an environment of fun. They study cultures, religion, history, etc, making it very fasinating. You never know what curve ball you are going to be thrown. It makes you have to think and really think. Do I have opinions about my culture? Do I believe the sterotypes etc? How do I feel about Capital punishment, AID’s, politics globally, Haiti and all the other things I had to discuss. But what made it great was the freedom to fully express myself any way I wanted.
Michael and his students preparing new lessons in the recording studio.
In Michael’s class I came alive and was able to articulate my thoughts clearly and with passion and conviction. I was able to share why a person would drop everything, and go on the World Race and why I believed so strongly in serving others and loving others. It became a wonderful forum to discuss Jesus, the Bible and the state of the church today. It was the most refreshing moment for me on the World Race. In most of the countries this year, I have been limited in being able to share with the locals any kind of opinions or ideas I have. What is even harder was not being able to hear their stories, struggles, and joys. Either the language barrier existed, or the country was closed and certain topics where not safe. How refreshing it was to just share my heart and have the students also express their views with me and try to challenge my way of thinking. It was fun to push them, stretch their mindsets to think beyond themselves. It was exciting when people started to really connect to the idea that there could be something more and not to settle on life, without fighting for their passion and dreams.

Our group with Kelly and her husband. She is one of the teachers at New Tone
I have realized that sitting in that room, pouring into those students was exactly what makes me come alive. Many years ago someone said I would mother the nations. I took that to mean children but as the year went by, the more I look back and reflect the very moments that I came alive the most was when I was challenging mindsets, helping to heal hearts and pouring out love, encouragement and the little wisdom God has given me into my fellow peers. It is for this very reason that I am excited about the next step after the race….to develope Canada. It is our hope and dream and we are looking to make it happen. That way I can take everything I have learned this year and download it to the future World Racers of tomorrow.
But for now, I am excited to be heading to Switzerland with my team, minus dear Benny who will be joining an all worship team:( We will be staying in a town right overlooking Lake Geneva, at a YWAM base. They have given us some construction projects we can help with as well as they are looking for other ways that we can serve. I am praying that I have one more chance to be able to be blessed with building relationships and building up our generation. We are excited to be stoping over one night in Budapest, and maybe making a detour to work with the teams a little in Praque before our Final debrief in Vienna, Austria. It is going to be one amazing month where we hope to go out with a bang. Please be praying for us….Well I am off to Kiev to meet the fam. Peace out my friends.