Happy Aniversary AIM.  We have been together now a whole year.  Thats right, I have officially been signed up as a world racer for one year.  Its amazing how when your preparing for something big time seems to stand still and you feel that, if you have to wait any longer you will just die, but then POOF one day its right before you, ready to happen, and thats the day you now wish time indeed would stand still. 
I know that I am ready. I have almost everything I need to go, minus a few supplies (note to Santa – I was good, I need a light weight small two man tent and a good sleep mat please and thanks)  but its amazing how unprepared one can feel.  I know that in no way this is about me.  I simply would not do this on my own strength, but still I find my mind in a jumbled mess, trying to work out every last detail, make sure I have done what I needed to do, said what needed to be said, and lived out here at home what I have left to live out.
I would like you all to know that God has blessed me so much in this journey, but his faithfulness and promises have especially overwhelmed me as of late.  As you know I was quite behind in my support raising goals. Today I have with all the money collected and on its way to my AIM account approx…(depending on the dollar)  7400.00 in my account.  Praise God.  All of you helped me raise 4400.00 in 3 weeks.  Thats incredible.  With monthly pledges added in I have raised a total of 10,300 dollars.  Leaving me short 4000.00 of what I need for the year.  We have come a long way.  I still need to raise the rest of the money to be able to go the whole year with my awesome team. If you can help in anyway click on the link support melissa.  Thank you so much from my heart for helping this ministry. I pray God would just bless each and everyone of our supporters.
I have 3 days left in Drayton Valley. Jon and I head to Vancouver for Christmas. I have not had a chance to see everyone I wanted to say goodbye too, so just in case we never connected, I want you to know that I love you, I am praying for you, your so amazing to me and my life and I wouldnt be who I am without you.   Its true. God has blessed me with amazing family and friends.  I will miss you. 