All the world is a stage….. Its 6 am and I am laying here pondering this famous Shakespearean quote.  In theatre there are your stars, your lesser roles, your walk ons, etc. These are the people who are seen, who get the stage and who get the audience either up off their feets cheering or heading for the door.  If the World Race was a preformance I have  53 amazing people to share the stage with, whom I am sure would blow the roof off.
But todays blog goes out to the crew.  A show needs costumes, lights, props, back drops and a whole list of things to work and be a success.   These are the unseen people that work day and night to make sure that at the end of the night when the actors take their bows, the audience is off their feet.  And for what?  Do they get the roses and the standing ovation?  Not usually.  I love these people.  Everyone has a part to play in life, sometimes you get to be on the stage, but sometimes your a part of the stage crew.  The audience sees the stage, they see the skills that are offered and they reward those skills and bask in the talent.  I know that this year we are all going to be out there on that “stage.”   You will read our blogs and see our stories unfold, but do you know what it took to get us out there. 
I want to give a standing ovation today to our prayer supporters, our mentors, our pastors, our finacial supporters, and all the people who saw the directors vision, who has been caught up in the story that God is unfolding.  Without  the World Race  “stage crew”  this would not be a reality.  Everything you have sown into us, your obedience to serve and love on us and this ministry is so much a blessing and so appreciated.  Thank you for seeing the bigger picture.  For trusting in our awesome Director.  Without God calling the shots and directed us all in our roles that we play, and you in the back ground so humble in the roles you were given,  we are merely a group of people on a dark stage, with no direction. 
If indeed Shakespeare had it right and this was just another role we play in the stage of life, then rehersals are almost over.  The stage is being set and the show is almost ready to open.  We dont have everything that we need yet to be ready to open the show, but we trust in our director who knows what the show needs to be a hit.  Act 1 is about to start and as they say in theatre, no matter how prepared or unprepared we may feel at times the show must go on.