If you are reading this that can only mean one thing: I am about to embark on the greatest mission of my life thus far. 

I have no doubt in my mind that the Lord is calling me to go on the World Race. What is the World Race you ask? It is an 11-month mission trip in which I will be traveling throughout the world with just a backpack and a heart ready to serve the Lord. 

I’ll be traveling to eleven countries in 11 months (1 country per month)














The moment I heard about the race, I knew this trip was designed for someone like me. I am going on the World Race because I feel like I’ve prepared my whole life up to this point to go on the race. The deepest desires of my heart is to love God and love others and I feel like this race would best fill these desires. Also, for as long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to go on an international mission and help to impact the world. This race gives you that opportunity and as a recent college graduate, I’m ready to go where the Lord is leading me.

I feel qualified to go on the race because I am very centered and grounded which helps me to stay positive and level headed in almost any situation. I am also resilient and able to face a problem with a clear head and patient attitude because I’m not easily affected by problems. Another strength of mine is how adaptable I am. I’ve had to learn how to adapt in a lot of situations in my life and view change in a positive way. I also crave adventure, and am my best self when I’m able to use God’s creation to grow his kingdom. I also love to listen to people and love making them feel known through conversation. I also have a huge heart for global missions and understand the need for them.

What does the Lord have for me this year? 

I will be serving in each of these eleven countries and bringing humans out of places that are very dark. We will be investing in communities through orphanages, churches, the streets, schools, and anywhere in between by teaching English, doing HIV education, working with victims of human trafficking, assisting disaster relief efforts, doing construction work and more. The hope is to bring them the truth and show them Gods unconditional love. 

I cannot even begin to share my excitement with you my friends. My race launches in October and I’m trusting the Lord with fundraising. I’m asking you if would please prayerfully consider partnering with me financially to take the gospel all around the world. I would love to talk with you in person or over the phone about what this will look like and would like to thank you for taking the time to read my first blog post. I’ll admit I’m very nervous about support raising, but I am trusting in the Lord who is bigger than all my circumstances and obstacles I will face.

I would also like to thank everyone who has brought me to up to this point. I know the WR was placed on my heart for a reason and having so many loved ones encourage me to go on it means so incredibly much. 

Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. – Matthew 6:10

Let’s get this started!

Love, Meg