Hey y’all! Welcome to my first official blog post! I feel like such a millennial right now. I am currently wearing my skinny jeans. Now all I need is a Starbucks drink and some sort of organic/avocado/kale/chia food dish, and I’m all set! In all seriousness though, it is my sincere desire that through my blog, you are able to see the awesome things that God is doing over the next year. I don’t ever want this page, these posts, or this journey to be about me in any way. He is most worthy of my focus and my praise.


So, I am going to tackle the overarching question of: why? You might be wondering the same thing. Why is she doing the World Race? Why is she choosing to go on a route filled with such dangerous places? Why is she leaving behind her family (her dog!), her friends, a career that she loves, and the comforts of home for eleven months? The answer to all of these questions is pretty simple, actually. I am doing the World Race because the Lord is asking me to do so. I love my family (that includes Phoebe), my friends, my career, and my home. But I love Jesus more than all of that, and it is my joy to follow wherever He leads.


I know this next year is going to be tough. It’s going to be filled with challenges, fears, frustrations, and so much more than I can even fully prepare for beforehand. But the reality is, God has not called believers to lead lives of comfort and ease. In Philippians 1:29 Paul writes, “For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him…” Sometimes God asks us to do hard things for His name’s sake. And that’s okay. I am confident that His plan is perfect, that He has everything under control, and that He is walking with me every step of the way.


I pray that, above all else, God is glorified as I embark upon this new journey on the World Race.