A few weeks ago, after I had just laid my head down on my pillow to go to sleep, I realized I had yet to read my Bible that day. I thought “Ugh! I need to read my Bible. But I don’t really want to. Plus, it’s in my car, and I don’t feel like going to get it. Whatever, I’ll just skip the reading and spend a little extra time in prayer tonight. No biggie.” As I was praying, I felt the need to ask the Lord to protect me from the enemy as I am sure I’ve got a big ol’ target on my back during this preparation phase for the World Race. As I was praying for protection, I immediately felt the Lord answer me with “The Word is your sword. Use it in this battle.” I opened up my eyes, sat up straight, and then ran out to get my Bible. When I opened it up, I saw on my little self-made reading schedule that the day’s reading *just so happened* to be on Ephesians 6. My eyes grew wide, and I got chills all up and down my spine. You see, Ephesians 6:10-20 are all about the armor of God, and how we can protect ourselves from “the devil and his schemes.” Specifically, verse 17 says, “Take up…. the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”

Mic. Drop.

Spiritual warfare is legit. I’ve always imagined that, although we can’t see them, there are angels and demons surrounding us all of the time, and they are constantly battling for us. The devil HATES it when we do things to advance the Gospel, and he and his minions like to do everything they can to stop us from doing so. I think it’s vital to note, however, that although Satan and his army have a lot of power, the Lord of hosts has a heck of a lot more. I know that, even in the midst of spiritual warfare, I am protected by the Lord and His angels. Psalm 91:11 reads, “For He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”�

I’ve been feeling some extra weight on my shoulders lately. It’s a weight that I’ve come to recognize as spiritual warfare. But, the Lord has equipped me for battle. I am dressed in the full armor of God, and I’ve got the most deadly of weapons to fight off the enemy–the Word. Best of all, God and His angel armies are on my side!

I am so very thankful that Satan’s hatred toward me is no match for God’s love toward me.

I am on the winning team, and my commander is, and will forever remain, undefeated.