The Fruit Basket

By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them” -Matthew 7: 16-20

As God has been telling me to give particular things up I have faith that God is getting rid of my “bad fruit” and he is preparing a way for me to give “good fruit”. Heavenly fruit; the kind of fruit that lasts enternally and not just on here on Earth. 

Fruit baskets are a give and take kind of deal. Who wants an empty fruit basket? in order to get some we have to give some. That is where the overflow or abundance of fruit comes in.  If we are good and following in the Lord’s ways we will be willing to give and receive. Some of us might have trouble receiving. I am not one to ask for help and God has been challenging me in this area to take help when He offers it lovingly and willingly.  

If there is an area in our life that does not bear good fruit God will take that fruit, cut it down, and throw it into the fire. We should be thankful that our Father who loves us knows when we have fruit or things in our life that are no good for us. When we love God he will bless us with what He wants to bless us with. Not what WE want to be blessed with. 

God knows us by the fruit we bear which doesn’t always traslate to “blessing”. Fruit is something “good”. Notice God doesn’t say fruit is a “blessing” , but that by our fruit God will recognize and know WHO we are when we  go to heaven someday. What kind of fruit are you bearing?

I had a dream last night of a fruit basket. I heard in my dream not to just take from other baskets but to give back to the baskets of fruit that give me fruit. It was very vivid and I remember reaching for fruit. 

I am learning that as I give things up, God is giving me something better in return. To the world it might not look better, but to God it is GOOD. If I need to give fruit out of my basket in order to have more fruit in heaven, then I am all about it! We also need to be willing to receive God’s gifts he gives us with love in accordance to his will. Not by our will but by God’s will alone. Our “fruit” will depend on what we have to give to God and whether or not we use it. 

LoVe & Created By: MeGaN NiCole <3