2017 was a difficult year. It had its ups, it had its downs; it had moments that I would rather forget, and it had moments that I never wanted to end. One thing is for certain about 2017 though, I’m glad it’s over.
Out with the old and in with the new am I right? New year new me and all that jazz I suppose. Well to tell you the truth I’m not necessarily one for making New Year’s resolutions and when I have in the past they generally turned into something that I beat myself up over, whether it be because I let them fall to the wayside or because I felt that I wasn’t doing them “right” or doing a “good enough” job.
Good enough. Those two little words have held such incredible weight in my life for quite sometime. I often tell myself that I’m not good enough and not “enough” period. Not pretty enough, not smart enough, not skinny enough, not ambitious enough. Never enough.
The question is, whose scale am I measuring my thoughts of what are “enough” on? Society’s? My worth isn’t determined by how society sees me. My value doesn’t come from how many “likes” my social media posts receive. My identity isn’t found in my looks, my IQ, my weight, or my career. My identity is found in Jesus and because of this fact I will always be MORE than enough.
So I’m pledging to make 2018 a year of victory because this battle has already been won, and I’m ready to start living in that realization. I pledge to stop seeing myself as less than and to start standing tall as a daughter of the One true King. In 2018 I will walk in grace rather than in guilt. I will trust His truths rather than listening to lies of the enemy. I will live in the moment as God guides my next step rather than living in fear of the future. I will cling to the fact that I am cherished, loved, celebrated, worthy, victorious, and enough.
I don’t think that I’ve ever gone into a New Year with this much excitement. 2018, you’re going to be wild, unabashedly free, adventurous, spontaneous, daring, courageous, and bold. Oh and one more thing 2018, you’re going to be so much more than enough.