We’ve once again made it FRIDAY, WOO HOO!!! Wow you guys mean the absolute world to me, and I cannot thank you enough for coming back again and again to read my blogs! I know today’s title was a dead give away but I couldn’t help but go ahead and share the incredible news… So… why don’t we get this show on the road and begin the story that is post #14!!

“Kids, I’m going to tell you an incredible story. The story of how I BECAME FULLY FUNDED!!!”

My mind is still currently racing with a thousand different thoughts, but the bottom line of this whole story is… GOD. IS. GOOD! Coming into this adventure and journey of preparation for The World Race, I truly didn’t believe that raising $18,200 would be possible. NOTHING… I repeat NOTHING is impossible for our God! He is bigger than your financial constraints. He is stronger and more powerful than your fears that want to keep you chained and bogged down in the “what if’s” and worst case scenarios. He is constantly working things out for your good and fighting to make a way for you to make it through the darkest of nights even when it seems that there is no possible way out. He is so incredibly faithful and ALL His promises are YES and AMEN!


To each and every one of you who donated toward my trip, THANK YOU! Thank you for all donations, large and small, because without each and every one of them I wouldn’t have made it to this point! I would NOT be fully funded without YOU! YOU helped to raise $18,200, YOU helped to make a difference in my life, and YOU helped to make it so that I can GO serve on the field in 21 short days. I now have the incredible opportunity to spread love, hope, and joy through the gospel because of YOU and YOUR support!


I pray you have the best Friday of your entire life and an even more abundantly blessed weekend. Let’s step up to the plate today my friends and be willing to pray big expensive prayers because they are truly what will be the catalyst to lead to EXPLOSIVE results! Pray fervently, pray without abandon, but also pray specifically. It wasn’t until I began being bold in my prayers and being straightforward and specific with God that I started seeing these big, bold, BEAUTIFUL results! He is there for you my friends, and He is willing and WANTING to answer your prayers, all you have to do is be willing to ask and trust that He WILL come through for YOU!    

Friends PLEASE reach out to me with anything and EVERYTHING that I can be praying for you on your behalf! I am here for you, but more importantly God is here for you to provide anything and everything you need! You all inspire and encourage me more than you know, so please never forget that. Reach out to me day or night, I’m always here for YOU!

-All my love, Meagan!