We have officially arrived in the last week of April which means… you guessed it, it’s the last week of Blog Month! If you’ve stuck with me through these four weeks and read all three (about to be four) blogs for the month, I truly cannot THANK YOU enough!! It means so incredibly much to me and I’ve absolutely loved all of the feedback you guys have given me on my various posts. My other three posts for this month hopefully gave you a better understanding of me and some of the things God has been revealing to me as I prepare to leave on The Race in 162 DAYYYYSSSS (I may be just a tad bit excited)!!!!!! This post however, has nothing to do with me, but is all about you. That’s right my dear reader I wrote this one just for you. So sit back, get comfy, and I hope you enjoy my last attempt to #BLOGITLIKEITSHOT for the month of April.

This post is a simple thank you to every individual who has made an impact on the beautifully, messy masterpiece that is my life. Thank you for the late night phone conversations to help calm me down after a long, trying day, but also the hours spent on the phone just enjoying building each other up and radiating positivity in the midst of life’s seasons of joy. Thank you for your encouraging and uplifting messages that always seem to come when I need them the most. Thank you for speaking God’s beautiful truths over me when I cannot hear them for myself over the enemy’s shouting. Thank you for loving me despite my flaws and helping me to realize that I’m not defined by my mistakes. Thank you for reminding me that laughter truly is the best medicine, and to never take myself too seriously. Thank you for all of the times you prayed on my behalf, especially the times that I wasn’t even aware of. Thank you for the support you’ve shown me in various forms ranging from donating toward The World Race, to simply setting aside time during your busy day to read my blog. So to you, a friend, a mentor, a parent, a confidant, a sister, a roommate, a peer, a teacher, a student, whoever you may be, thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

I also want to dedicate this blog to every “you” out there who I will have the pleasure to meet while I’m on The Race. To all my squad and teammates who will turn from strangers into family, thank you. Thank you for embarking on this crazy, wild journey with me to simply love God, love people, and declare His name among the nations. Thank you to new countries that will become my home for the next year. Thank you for the opportunity to enter a stranger to your land, but to leave behind a piece of my heart as I forever think of you as a new home. Thank you to every child I will get to meet, even those of you who I will only get to share one hug, one laugh, or one smile with as we pass by one another on the street. Thank you to new, life-changing and eye-opening experiences that will impact me for the rest of my life. Thank you to every man, woman, and child that simply wants to talk and gives me the opportunity to sometimes just sit and listen. To all of you who I’ve yet to had the pleasure of meeting, thank you.


-Meagan Thompson