Guys today is the LAST day of my country series featuring the 11 countries that are on my squad and I’s route! It is also day 25 of my month of blogging, which means we only have 5 days to go!! WOO HOO here’s to hoping we can finish strong and CRUSH this challenge!! I hope you have enjoyed getting to know all about these incredible countries that will become our home(s) over the next 11 months, and if you’ve missed any of my previous posts please check them out after you finish up with this one! Love you guys, and thank you for your ongoing prayers and support! Okay okay I’ll stop blabbing so we can talk all about… RWANDA!!



Rwanda, officially The Republic of Rwanda, is a country in Central and East Africa and one of the smallest countries on the African mainland. The population of Rwanda is 11.92 Million people.


The country’s principal language is Kinyarwanda, which is spoken by nearly all Rwandans. English, French, and Swahili are also considered official languages of Rwanda. 


Roman Catholics– 43.7%, Protestants– 37.7%, Seventh-Day Adventists– 11.8%, Muslims– 2.0%, No Religion– 0.2%


Male- 66.1, Female- 69.9, Total Life Expectancy- 68.0


Rwandan food is neither spicy nor hot. People eat simple meals made with locally grown ingredients. Some of the staple of Rwandan cuisine include brochettes, mandazi, ugali, dagaa/sambaza, sombe, and chapati.   


*Rwanda has the world’s record of highest representation of women in parliament, as over 60% of parliament members are women. 

*Rwanda is the fourth smallest country on the continent of Africa. 

*Rwanda is also known as The Land of a Thousand Hills because most of the country is covered by rolling, grassy hills. 


*PRAY for the church to lead in national repentance, reconciliation, and healing. 

*PRAY for provision and hope among widows, orphans, and other continued victims of the genocide that took place within Rwanda. 

*PRAY for committed believers to stand firm in the face of cultural and tribal pressures. 

*PRAY for patience, understanding, and cooperation to work together for justice within both the Rwandan military and those in political power. PRAY that those who would destabilize the region will be rooted out. 

*PRAY that wise solutions might be found to the deep-seated and long-term problem of rapid population growth and limited land. 

