Healing is real my friends. Freedom is real. Miracles still take place and God still speaks directly to us if we are willing to listen. Be mindful though, just as we serve an authentically real God, we are at constant battle with a viciously real enemy as well. When he opens his mouth there is an outpouring of lies. He speaks no truths and he comes with one and only objective, to steal, kill, and destroy. He wants to steal your joy, he wants to kill your future plans that God has envisioned and entrusted to you. And he wants so desperately to destroy your identity of a free son or daughter of the King. Do NOT give him a foothold, do NOT entertain his lies, and do NOT believe him for a second when he tells you that your freedom isn’t real. 

“Whom the son sets FREE is FREE indeed!” 

     There will be moments in your life when strongholds from your past will come back up, during these times Satan wants nothing more than to convince you of the fact that you are not free, that your healing wasn’t real, and that what he has brought back to your attention is something that you will always struggle with. When the enemy begins to berate you with these lies I want you to do the following, take a deep breath, stand your ground, and tell him and his lies to “GO TO HELL” (Big shout out and thanks to Karen Dillbeck for giving us this advice at Training Camp, it’s so incredibly powerful)!! Congratulations you just engaged in spiritual warfare!

     You have authority over the enemy, never forget that. One of our speakers at Training Camp, Deon Vanstaden, proposed the following question. “If Jesus says He has ALL authority, how much does the enemy have?”… Let me SHOUT IT OUT for the people in the back… NONE!! Satan has absolutely NO authority whatsoever! Deon then went on to say “YOU have more authority than the devil will EVER have!” What?!?!! Talk about great news! I want you to put your name in place of that “you” right now and say that aloud. MEAGAN has more authority than the devil will ever have! Just saying that makes me feel like I could take on the world. 

     Never underestimate your power again! You’ve been given authority. You’ve been given the strength to overcome and you’ve been given a voice and a vision that the devil will NEVER be able to stand in the way of again. Satan’s scared of you my friend, so step onto the battlefield today and walk boldly and triumphantly in the victory God has given you!



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