I over complicate things a lot. I am the type of person who can take something simple and make it into the most complex thing you have ever heard. If you are into enneagram numbers, I am a 7, which means I am a head thinker and it is most easily where I spend a lot of my time throughout my days. As a kid, I am sure I was encouraged in my “imaginative brain”, but as an adult I am finding it to be more of a hinderance than a blessing; especially in my relationship with God. I get deep into theological questions that can never be answered on this side of earth, I overthink God’s character, and I make the obtainable unobtainable- in my head. This is the complete opposite of what the Lord ask of us. He ask that we come to Him in a childlike manner.



“Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:4

“Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.” Mark 10:15


     When being led towards World Race America, I was running in the opposite direction. I considered doing anything, but the one thing God was asking of me. Why? I just knew (in my head) that ministry in America would be so much harder and uncomfortable than anything I had experienced overseas. Overseas was easy, spiritually. We may have had to exchange our nice comfy bed for our sleeping pads on the ground, a toilet for a squatty potty (yes, it is exactly what it sounds like), and leave our families for friends we barely even knew, but I did not experience the spirit of lukewarmness overseas. If someone claims to know the Lord, you can guarantee they are fully pressing into Him and living their lives as close to Jesus as they can. In America, lukewarmness is the spirit of this nation. It is the most unfortunate, sad truth that I have had to come to terms with. I constantly wondered why I was spiritually on fire for God overseas, but wasn’t in America. The Lord showed me that it had nothing to do with Him, but the things that we fill ourself with in America. The innovation of technology, the advancement in constant changing materialism, and the over take of consumerism has become our idols. We worship these things that will not last without even realizing it. Don’t believe me.. What was your screen time average this week? When is the last time you longed for newer or better? It has taken over us. The thing is, God doesn’t change; He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What happened to me was the distractions became less overseas, so I noticed Him more. Here in America the distractions have become more, so He has become less. With too much spiritual battle for me to handle amongst myself in America, I talked myself out of doing ministry here. The enemy filled me with lies of not being good enough, not being able to handle, and that it was most certainly not what I was called to do. The Lord was so patient with me, though, and kept leading me to do ministry here; and friends  I am so glad that I did not listen to me overcomplicating America in my head, but listened to the Father.


     The Lord is showing me the simplicity of America. He is showing me that He is in the ordinary day to day living. I have had encounters with people that I did not plan, but are naturally happening from me living day to day life in America, but leaning into hearing from the Lord. The first encounter was unforgettable and happened before we were technically even “started” on World Race America. My friend, Kylie, and I went to a coffee shop in Georgia to spend some good quality together-alone time with the Lord. A man came into the coffee shop for a drink. Kylie smiled and waved at him and after walking away, he came back to thank her for her gesture. Two days later we had to order an Uber ride to get to our destination and guess who our driver was? No other then that man who Kylie had smiled and waved at. Kylie prayed over him when we got to our destination and he was weeping. Another encounter happened today as I was sitting in a coffee shop. The Lord led me to go pray over this girl sitting alone. I didn’t want to, I was content reading my bible and spending alone time, but He wouldn’t leave me alone. He kept urging me to pray for this girl. I joined her at the table she was working at, we chatted enough for me to know her name, a little background on her life, and to know she was a believer. I asked to pray over her and she agreed with a smile on her face. Afterwards I went back to my seat and continued reading. I looked over at her and she was typing a message with a huge smile on her face. I have no idea if it was because the Lord touched her through the words He had given me to pray over her, but I sure would like to think so. As I sat in my seat, I felt the Spirit press into me “It’s that simple, Kenzie. It’s in the ordinary day to day living.” 


     I encourage you to listen to where the Lord leads you and act upon it. We do not have to always know what what comes of it, but instead trust that the Lord is doing something great, take faith in knowing He wants to use us, and act in obedience as His children to what He is asking. 


Thank you, Lord, for showing me that you are in the ordinary, day to day. That I have to do absolutely nothing, and you are orchestrating things in my path to encounter with your guidance and my obedience to you. You are a good Father. I love you a whole lot.