Lord, I long for this man. My heart keeps questioning why, but my soul is reminded that you are sovereign, are all knowing, and you are holding me in this season of unknown and not understanding. I have many questions and a lot of them may go unanswered on this side of heaven. I want this man in my life. He is the man I want to partner with in Your kingdom. I want to be overseas, doing work in Your name, winning souls for you, and teaching our children kingdom mindset with the villages we are involved in. This my heart desire, Lord. Above all else it desires You, though. I trust you with my life Lord. I trust that you are in control in this season and have provision and provided in this area. Lord, I want him to be Yours and then mine. I will commit to learning to love Him the way You love him. Patiently, kindly, not envying, not boasting, not growing weary, not growing faint, I will not be proud, I will not dishonor him, I will not be self seeking (but always seeking You), I will not easily become angry with him, and I will keep no record of his wrongs.  I will not hold on to things not of You, but will rejoice with what is of You and who You are. I will always help to protect this man from the evil one, I will always trust him, I will always have hope in him, and always persevere no matter what we may face. Our love will not fail. God it will not fail because we have first loved you and have received Your love for us individually. We seek you above all else and that is what holds us firm. This is my prayer over this man, God. I still hold on to hope. I still hold on to faith that You are working things out in the good for both of us- and putting faith and prayer into that meaning us being able to love one another and partner with one another on this side of heaven for your kingdom on the other side. We will work to do as You lead. Father, give us the same visions for our lives. Align our paths together as one. Go before us. Provide for us. Give us provision. I pray this to You and will pray this to You everyday for the rest of this season- remaining faithful + obedient to you in praying for this man. I will go anywhere with him that you ask. My heart is willing and says yes to anything you would want of us. Change and shape his heart to desire all these things, as well. Mold him into the man you want him to be. Let him receive the love You have for him, so he knows how to love. Then place in him a firing desire to be with me and to pursue me. Let us get married and then move to where YOU call us. I love you, Lord. I put every ounce of faith I have in You and surrender it to You and put it in Your hands. God, do what only You can do. I love you a lot, Father.