In the midst of preparing for an interview I am worried about many aspects such as how I dress, the way I will present myself, and answers to questions I may be asked. Every interview I have had, I always get stuck on the same demand… tell me about yourself. Crap

It is funny how, other than God, we know ourselves better than anyone else and when asked, we have to search to find “right” answers on who we are. Most would respond with good qualities about themselves; I am a hard worker, I can interact well with others, I am a leader, and the list goes on and on. When considering qualities of mine to post about, I kept hearing “tell them who you are in Me.” Phewww, what a relief, I thought to myself. At this point where I would inevitably stumble over the right words to describe myself, my thoughts are clear. The world can easily confuse us on “who we are” or “who we are supposed to be”, but one thing I am not confused on is who I am in Jesus Christ.

As a seven year old girl, eager to learn more about Jesus in bible school, I was not prepared for the upcoming years in my life that I would be facing after accepting Jesus. Growing up in church, fellow believers try to prepare you for what will be some of the most tempting times in your life:: teenage years. “In one ear and out the other” is how the saying goes, and that is exactly how all that preparation for my teenage years went.

As I got deeper and deeper into different sin, I got further and further away from God. Some believers go through short rebellious seasons in their life, but oh no, not me! I went through yearsss of this rebellious lifestyle. But then.. I was caught. Every sin that I have ever committed was out on the table for my parents to see, but I did not feel bad about it. Wow. That is rough to admit. I am a follower of Jesus and did not feel bad about not obeying Him. How can this be??? I started questioning e v e r y t h i n g. While reading “Lies Women Believe and The Truth That Sets Them Free”, feeling lost, lonely, unconnected, and unremorseful, I prayed that God reveal to me that I am His child. Instantly, I was overwhelmed by love from my Heavenly Father. I felt loved by Him, His presence, broken, and the weight of my sins. My callus was cut by God (Deuteronomy 30:6), and my heart changed.

God broke me and forgave me for every disobedient act I have committed since I was that eager, seven year old girl. Through this I found my identity in Him.

Faced with the intimidating demand that I have been, am being, and will be asked “tell me about yourself”, I joyfully answer, ‘I am a child of God’.