My name is Matthew Turner, but I normally go by Matt. I am from a small blink-and-you-miss-it town in west Texas called Buffalo Gap. When I was about ten years old, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I would like to tell you that everything in my life was a 180-degree overnight reversal, but being a rather well-behaved and innocent child from a Christian home, this was not really the case. Yet my life thus far has not been completely void of struggles and temptations , and I have learned through tough experiences that it is through Christ alone that we can truly thrive in this life. There is still so much about him that I want to experience. I want to see him move, see him work, and feel him change my life. 

I graduated from Jim Ned High School in 2013, and graduated from Texas A&M University in December of 2016, majoring in International Politics and Diplomacy, with minors in History and Economics. Throughout my childhood and college years, I participated in a number of church Christian organizations, all of which introduced me to some amazing people, and allowed me to build friendships I pray will last a lifetime. But for the time being my pursuit of Christ demands that I put my life here in Texas on hold, as he has called me to the World Race! I grow more anxious by the day, and hope that all those who read my posts or follow me on social media will be encouraged to pursue Christ as I have been. 

God Bless!