So 4 weeks with no blog posts… sorry
about that. Sort story is that during that time Australia came and
went and now we just started our first week of ministry here in the
Philippines. Now you all might be thinking “wait a minute Matt,
you said you were going to Malaysia not the Philippines.” Well my
friends that was the original plan but as previous World Racers tell
us all the time “things change” and when they do you just learn
to roll with it. So when ministry contacts weren’t working out in
Malaysia God opened up doors in the Philippines and here we are.

Anyway, my plan is to post some blogs
about Australasia soon but in the mean time I wanted to go ahead and
get started with what is going on right now so that I don’t get so
far behind that I just end up not blogging at all. Actually since
this is more like an announcement/update rather than a full fledged
blog I would really like it if you all would post any questions or
thought for blogs you might like to read. I’m not so great at this
part of the adventure so it might help me to know a few things you
all want to hear about.

Thanks again for all your prayers and
comments. Keep watching for my first blog about the Philippines.
It’s coming soon…promise.