So life is busy these days. It’s run here, do this, make that, drive there, and a few hours of sleep and food mixed in there somewhere. It isn’t a bad busy though. I am busier because I have been working on moving back home (which I have now completed), driving to work (about 1 1/2 total daily), attending church at least 3 or 4 days a week (splitting time between FCCM and HCC), spending time in the gym, and taking in every minute with friends and family that I can. 

Aside from the busyness of general life, things are well. I have been spending the past few weekend preparing for the trip in the way of buying gear and supplies and fundraising. The gear load has gone well. I should only have a few more major items and a couple small. I sure I will continue to think of things I have forgotten or haven’t even thought about, but I have time for that. Fundraising is going well. That said, I am still about 10,000 away from my final goal after the last couple of check have been totaled and a few promises of funds have been added in. 7,000 raised so far is amazing, but I need the funds to continue if we are going to make this happen.


I have my WR Training Camp coming up in just over 1 week! I will be traveling for GA for 10 days, October 19th through the 29th. I am extremely excited about this because I will finally get to meet my new WR family, S Squad. We will spend this time worshipping together, camping, hiking, trying new foods, cold water showering, and learning about some of the possible situations we will encounter on the WR.


Over all I am right on track in preparation for the WR. Please please continue the prayers, thoughts, kind words, and any other support you can. Thank you and I love you all.