There are times on The Race when we need to be alone. There are times we need to grow and learn to be independent. But then there are times we need to learn about ourselves through someone else’s eyes. That is what community life is all about. It is about being able to grow independently while also growing because of those who surround you.


The Race is a life lived in community, which at this point in my life, is exactly what I needed. Before leaving for The Race, I was living in a spacious, comfortable, and nice one bedroom, self proclaimed bachelor pad. When I first moved into that apartment, freedom and my own space was all I could think of. I needed space to figure out my life, my path, and my future. After three month on The Race, I can honestly say that human being are not really meant to live alone. There is so much more opportunity for growth and support in community.


I have been blessed with and amazing team who I live with, work with, wor$hip with, and bring Kingdom with. They are five of the best people I have ever known. The L0rd knew exactly who we all needed and brought us all together. Two of my teammates how posted awesome blogs introducing everyone, so make sure to check them out.

Password – adventure

Password – adventure 


This week we took a day trip to Hoi An and Marble Mountain. How can one not have fun and be filled with this group surrounding them?


Photo credit – Kimmy Whittington



The amazing views and a puppy didn’t hurt either!






As always please pr@y for my Squad, my leadership, my team, and me. We will be traveling on Sunday, and then again a few days later. We need safe travels for all.


G0d Bless