I love to hike. I love it even more that in Nepal we get to sound cool and call it trekking. While visiting the local hill (they do not call it a mountain unless it has snow on it in Nepal) villages, we got to do a lot of ministry that evolved trekking.

Is was a great week of pr@yer over the area and rest. I find rest while trekking. On the earlier half of one of our longer hikes, a squad mate, Katie, asked everyone to pick up a rock that was at least the size of the one she was holding and trust her. She then said she wanted us to carry the rocks with us up the rest of the hill.

My rock, not a very small rock, was probably about eight of nine pounds. Once we got to the top, Katie lead us all in wor$hip. Half way through wor$hip she started to explain her strange request.

We all have things through out our walk with the L0rd that He will ask us to “pick up.” These are good responsibilities that He wants us to trust Him in. Like that rock, they bare weight on us. With the new weight, we grow stronger. Once we have grown stronger, we are able to carry more, and He will ask us to. This is what we call a process of growth, not with physical strength and size, but growth in spirit and faith.

Thank you for all of the support and love. Continue to always be in pr@yer for my squad, my team, and me.

G0d Bless

Go check out Katie’s blogs at

