This month has definitely been one for the books. The Lord has moved in so many big ways that I could not possible tell of them all. To start of, first thing, our ministry site as we knew it changed. We went from what we thought would be a two hour bus ride to a fourteen hour train ride with a two hour van ride. That was God’s first big move. Everything that got turned upside down on us fell exactly into place for us. The train was awesome. It was full of views of the country side that without riding it, we would have never been able to see. It was also a blessing of rest before we started our full ministry. Once we arrived on site we were shown our living area. We were staying in what used to be a three building, twelve room complex that was at one time used to house pastors as they went through training before heading back to their village. A few years ago a cyclone came through and wrecked the place. The roof was mostly missing, there were no bath rooms, no showers, and no power. But there were sturdy walls on which to rebuild. And a beach…did I mention the beach? The absolutely gorgeous beach that we would be staying on while at this ministry site! What a blessing from God. We gave in fully, trusting, and let him take control. He sent us to a place that we had no clue about, and He gave us an amazing tropical beach. That was the second big move. We would be staying in tents the entire month and doing two separate ministries. One was construction and rehab on the building, and the other would be village ministry. The village ministry was the third big move. Not knowing what to expect in this new area, we climbing into a van many times, traveled many hours, and every single time the Lord moved in those villages. He brought people out to hear us as we preached, gave testimonials, and sang in the middle of their roads. Over and over we were amazed at how the Lord brought us people to pray for, sing to, and to love. Big move number four was a team thing. Over our short time here my team grew to a level that years of a normal friendships could have never made. We dove in head first into becomes one with eachother, being honest, and most importantly, being completely vulnerable with eachother. We gave full life testimonials and held nothing back. I love this team. The fifth big move was the baptisms. We had three in all. Two of my teammates and one of a local. All three happened in the ocean where we stayed. The local boy was supposed to have been baptized by our pastor but at the last moment the pastor had to leave. Time for that big move. My whole life I have always wanted to baptize someone. As of yesterday I can say the Lord answered that prayer in a big way. It was absolutely amazing to baptized the boy. My heart was probably at about one hundred and fifth beats per minute and the Lord smiled down on us that day. Thank you Lord for all of this big moves this month!

One more big move I need everyone to pray for and help with. I am still not fully funded. I am close but still roughly $1500 away from my goal of $17,017. The Lord has moved in so many ways already and has provided time and time again. I have no doubt in Him. In fact I’m already thankful for his blessings of fully funding me because I know he will provide. Please pray for myself and my team. Please donate if you can. Everything helps! Reposts also help more than you can imagine.

Thank yall and God Bless.