If Thailand has been one thing, if I had to describe it with one word, it would be redemption.



Redemption from the month before where I allowed the enemy to tell me over and over through out Cambodia that what we were doing was a waste.



In Cambodia we taught english, and day in and day out I went into that feeling defeated before we even started. I was allowing the enemy to tell me I wasn’t good at teaching, I wasn’t enough for those kid, or that I wasn’t making I difference in their lives.



I allowed the enemy to focus me in on MYSELF last month and NOT who the Lord WAS and what He COULD have done! I was focused on MY short comings, on MY feelings about teaching, on MY thoughts of what those kids could learn from what I had to offer.



I took my eyes off what the Lord CAN do. I took my eyes off his ENDLESS power. I took my eyes off his ability to used ANYTHING especially someone who ISN’T able to act WITHOUT his grace, mercy, and the power He gives us.



But this month is different. Cambodia was last month and I trudged through it just in time to learn the lesson He was teaching me. And I prayed that Thailand would be different. I would come into it with a new mindset, a new path, and a new vision through the lessons learned in the past.



And guess what happened? Out first English camp at the schools was not only extremely successful, it was hands down one of the best moments I have had on The Race. I went into it prepared to fully pour everything I had into it and trust the Lord and I came out overflowing.



I trusted to pour out and HE poured back into me 10 times the amount.



Check out this Video from my teammate Kierstin’s YouTube. She is one of my Squads Storytellers. Make sure to subscribe to her page for more videos of our team and our adventures.




As always continually pray for my Squad, my leadership, my team and me.



God Bless.