I learned that you say the name of this town like this: Cuh-far-nuh-hoom. It’s fun saying it.
At our first location, Rama, we had to climb a huge hill to get to our apartment. It was not fun.
But the view on the way down was.
We spent some time in Nazareth Village, a place where they reenact what it was like in Bible times.
This was the shepherd.
Here I am using a bible times drill.
My team and me at the Mount of Precipice.
The Sea of Galilee
13-year-old girls are the same everywhere. This was on my friend Talita’s
bedroom door and I loved it.
A beautiful sunset on our way home from a traditional Shabbat meal.
The two amazing 17-year-olds I taught in Rama.
One of my favorite students in the Bedouin village, Samer. He’s doing the good job dance.
Our backyard in our second location, Arad. This is the Negev Desert.

The Western Wall aka the Wailing Wall
My team leader, Jodi; my squad leader, Caroline and me. Why yes, I did find a Cubs shirt in Israel.
Aubrey and I playing hot potato during an English class intermission

These girls are so fun. They are both 13 years old and really good at learning English.
And laughing at my attempts at speaking Arabic.
Another one of Samer, my favorite. 🙂