God calls people to the mission field in a variety of ways.
There are a couple of things we are asked to do when filling out our initial paperwork for The Race. I’ve mentioned our requirement for an accountability partner and prayer team a couple of times before on previous blogs, but I thought I’d dedicate a couple of blogs to let you know who these people are and the importance they play on this trip.

These people have been called to be my constant support on a weekly basis. Each week they receive an e-mail from me with an update on preparations, personal needs, etc. It’s easy for me to crack jokes about my unemployment, my feeling like I have no home, etc., for everyone else to see, but these people get the e-mails that say I AM STRUGGLING. And they pray. They encourage. They keep me focused. They are fighting on my behalf, making sure to pray enough over me that when I don’t even know how to communicate with God because my stresses and fears seem so petty, they are still there doing it for me. They pray for my support raising, they pray for my insecurities and they pray for my team. To say they’re important players in this race is an understatement. I prayed about this list before asking, and am sure God chose the right people for me. Some of these people I barely knew, but when I asked them they all lovingly accepted this incredible responsibility.

Laura Lobley, Accountability partner/BFF– A friend since freshman year in college, she gladly accepted the role of accountability partner. In addition to constant encouragement and overall BFF love (which I could write about forever), one of our main focuses has been finances. I’m horrible at keeping up with that. She helped me set up a personal budget both when I had a steady paycheck and now. It’s probably one of the biggest blessings I’ve had, because I’m easily stressed when it comes to financial stuff. But her help has kept me calm and focused. She also prays, gives, gives and then gives some more. It’s kinda crazy. But in a good way.

Allison Boerger- The second time I met Allison was at my former employer’s first ever marathon/half marathon team training. She was a friend of a friend, but I’ll never forget how she talked about running being something of a spiritual activity for her. She told me that a lot of her time running is spent in prayer. I remember thinking, if she can pray through that kind of pain, she can pray through anything. So her name immediately came to my head when I thought about this race. I thought she can pray me through it, for sure, even when it gets to the point when I think I can’t run any longer.

Pat BrockmanPat is the kind of woman I want to be when I grow up. She and her husband, Bo, are some of the most friendly, welcoming people I have met. One of the first times we met, they invited my friend, Diana, and I over to their house. What I saw was not only a massive restoration project of an old, beautiful home, but a place that was built and restored to serve others. I was in awe. They keep a guestbook and blog about their guests and it’s inspiring to see the number of people this couple has impacted throughout their lives.


Joe CabreraMy former campus minister at Fiesta Fellowship, he and his wife Tessa were literally the first ones there through those times that are sometimes embarrassing to talk about. Anyone who loves me through that will be there through thick and thin. They were the first ones, perhaps ever, to really show me that Christ’s church loves you even through imperfection. This isn’t because everyone before them showed me otherwise, it was just that I hadn’t opened up myself to anyone. God used them in an incredible way: to break me of a lot of my shame.
David DanielsOne of the first people to really put in my head that prayer really is powerful, Dave was my campus minister in college at what was then the Church of Christ Student Center. I remember him being very passionate about it, because of personal experiences. He also showed me lots of love throughout college, and does the best Fat Albert expression ever. Well, not really, but it still cracks me up. But I think Dave is one of the first people who ever taught me the importance of a relationship with God and how a strong one, regardless of circumstance, brings blessings.

Patrick Fariss
My buddy from college, I lovingly refer to him as P-Fiddy. Why? I don’t remember, but he lets me. He is the kind of person that will follow through. He says he’ll do something, he’s going to do it. He’s run like 1.5 million marathons, and again, someone with that kind of follow through needs to be on my team, praying on my behalf. He was always the guy who would make you feel better even when he didn’t realize you needed it. Super friendly, super kind and super funny. He and his wife Chelsea always remind me they are constantly praying, praying, praying.
Corie FoxThe first words that I ever heard come out of Cokie’s mouth (the name Cokie is a result of a fun college history class story) the day I first moved to my college town were something along the lines of “I don’t think we realize the power of prayer.” I didn’t. I still sometimes don’t. But she still does. She was my prayer warrior when I didn’t even realize such a thing existed. Every time she contacts me, whether by phone or e-mail she still reminds me she is praying for me. She has prayed through things I thought were un-prayable, if that makes sense, and helped me realize that there is no such thing. She’s a great friend.

…to be continued.