Here is an update on Trevor, the boy Dan, Matt and Austin had the privilege of praying for after a motorcycle accident. The original story can be found here
Feb. 26

A couple of hours after the accident, Matt and Dan went back to the Jinja Public
Hospital to check on
Trevor. Trevor had been admitted and his mother, Sarah, and close family
friend, Nathan, were visiting. Matt and Dan talked to Sarah and Nathan and
found out that the family is Christian and Nathan is the family’s pastor.

told Matt and Dan that Trevor had woken up for a little while, but could not
hear or speak. But, the doctor said he was hopeful that Trevor would make a
full recovery.

his cuts have been treated, Trevor’s forehead is still badly swollen.

once again praying for Trevor, Matt and Dan leave.

Feb. 27

team left the night of the accident to travel to Tanzania, so the following day, Dan
and Austin go back to the hospital to visit Trevor. They are greeted by Sarah
and Joshua, Trevor’s father. They told Austin and Dan that Trevor had woken up
for a few minutes and had been able to eat a small amount of food and drink a
little bit of juice. They told them that Trevor was able to hear and talk!

parents had taken him to another hospital in order to get his head checked,
possibly by a CT scan, because the doctor was worried about possible internal
injuries to his head.

cut on Trevor’s forehead had been stitched and the swelling had also gone down.

leaving, Austin and Dan pray over Trevor once again and promise that he’ll
continue to be in their prayers.


both Matt and Austin are now traveling to Tanzania, Dan goes to the hospital
alone. As he walked through the courtyard of the hospital, he spots Joshua,
Sarah and Trevor laying on a mat in the grass.

is doing a lot better and is expected to be released in only a couple of days.
He’d been able to walk outside all by himself, but was still in a lot of pain.
And although he’s been able to eat and drink, the doctors think there may be
something wrong with his jaw since he’s only able to open it a little.

said that the man he had seen up the street on the day of the accident was the
driver of the motorcycle. The crowd had found Trevor dead, so they’d begun
beating the driver so he had run away. The man was later arrested and caned by
the police for killing Trevor.

the police started asking where Trevor’s body was, the crowd told them they
didn’t know because some Mzungus (white people) had taken him away in a car.
They found Trevor at the hospital.


Dan found out that Trevor’s sister, Precious, had been the only one the locals
had decided to take to the hospital since Trevor was dead.

and her brother had been walking hand in hand from school when they were hit by
the motorcycle. She’s been released from the hospital and is resting at home.

As Dan is talking to Joshua, Trevor wakes up and sits up on his own strength,
but doesn’t respond to Dan– only drools.

Dan prays for Trevor once again and tells Joshua that he’ll be back in the morning,
before he leaves for Tanzania.