The smell of change is in the air.

Goodbye, Fuego de Dios…

It’s the end of month three and I’m sitting in bed, bible in hand, unsure as to what is to come. The anxiety and anticipation builds as the new team announcements looms around the corner. I'm not ready to leave Fuego, but I know it's gonna be so good for all of us. I know that we will carry the fire we had on our team and set our new teams on fire!

I find myself praying for my new teammates and for a vision for our team. And I turn to John 11:11. (I think it’s interesting that that number pops up because it obviously means so much to me being on a race to 11 countries in 11 months. I love when Papa makes things connect like that!) This chapter is about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.

I thought, “Hmmm…it would be pretty legit if we could raise people from the dead! But even if that doesn’t legitimately occur, I’d be ok with being known as the team that raised people out of their spiritual stupor. I could roll with that!”

I pressed further into Papa and He directed me again to another passage. This time it was Ezekiel 37, the story of the valley of dry bones. It is, yet again, a story about breathing life into dead bodies.
I think to myself, “Ok, Papa, what are you trying to tell me here?! Is this for serious?! I mean, in Mark 11 you did say that if I pray for anything and believe without a doubt that I’ve received it, it will be mine. Will you grant my team this, Papa?”

Honestly, I heard no response. But my vision was confirmed when Peter told me that John 11 was the story that saved him and when Rachel told me about her attachment to the story of the dry bones. I believe and claim that my team has the authority to breathe life into the dead, both literally and figuratively. We have the Spirit of the living God within us and plan on restoring life into the valley of death that pervades the nations.
So we call ourselves Team RUACH. (It’s pronounced Roo-Awk. Pretty sweet, huh?!) It’s Hebrew for wind, breath, or the Spirit of God!! And it was the word used for breath in Ezekiel 37:5 where it says, “I am going to put breath into you and make you live again.”

As a team that operates in and through the Holy Spirit, we are determined to breathe life and bring light to places held captive by sin and death. Here goes nothing… Get ready nations!!! Cuz we will… We Will… RUACH YOU!!

 Opening the letter that revealed my new teammates!

 Team Ruach practicing our "raising the dead" skit for Team Presentations!

And now…Presenting Team Ruach =)

Kathryn Law

Jamie Smith

Beatriz Ibarra

Rachel Martin

David Mergl

Peter Dinh