I don’t know if there’s such a thing as the “Jeremiah Syndrome” (or the "Timothy Syndrome," for that matter) but if there is then I’ve got it.

You know… the anxious feeling you get when you are called to step into a role/position that feels like an overly oversized grandpa cardigan that’s a little too large for comfort! The sleeves sag way past your fingertips, the shoulder regions extend all the way to your elbows and you’re just too wrapped up in the uncomfortableness (ps. this isn’t a word but just go with it) of all that fabric to function. I’m talking about that overwhelming feeling of being small, of not being ____ “enough” ie. not wise enough, not old enough, not qualified enough, not personable enough to be an impactful leader in Papa’s kingdom.

“I can’t speak for you. I’m too young!” Jeremiah tells Papa.

Yeah. I totally get where he’s coming from.  Coming only onto my eleventh month of walking solidly with Christ, I was unexpectedly offered the position of team leader AND I was given less than 24 hours to accept or reject the offer. I mean, really?! Seriously?! Did they want to sabotage the spiritual growth of the six world racers that would potentially be under my leadership?! I most certainly did not want to be a part of that. No sir-eee. Plus, there were other more qualified and more capable people who could better push my squad mates into their identity in Christ. Why not ask them?? What were they thinking?? 

Then Papa responds lovingly, “But I want YOU. Why refuse a gift that is rightfully yours??”

….That’s good! Right?! Papa is SOOO good! When He calls you by name and places His beautiful trust in you, how can you refuse?!

Papa reached out and touched Jeremiah’s mouth and said, “Look, I have put my words in your mouth!” “Do not be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you.”

In the same way, He has touched my spirit and has said "Yes!" to who I am, “Yes!” to my obedience, “Yes!” to where I’m at in my spiritual journey (regardless of how long or short it’s been), “Yes!” to my freedom from spiritual strongholds, and “Yes!” to me surrendering my race, and ultimately, my life up to Him.

The reality is that Papa is not interested in our comfort; He’s more interested in our character. And though the process of “tearing down so He can build up” may be daunting, we can trust that Papa only desires what is best for us. We can rest-assured that Papa doesn’t know how to leave us alone or how to let us down. When you say “yes” God takes care of the rest because He is good…all the time!

So I leave all my burdens and insecurities at His feet and say “Yes!” to His call because it’s not about me. It just isn’t. It’s all about Him!! 

And might I add, I believe Jeremiah would approve =)
PS. Please keep my team in your prayers, specifically for me and Kristen, the newest team leaders. As well as Nick Hayden and Christin Chiles, former team leaders, who are now stepping into a new season of leadership as squad leaders!  Prayers for discernment, strengh, boldness, freedom and Holy Spirit fire would be greatly appreciated.Thank you so so much for your love and support! I LOVE YOU! 

A few Z Squaders gettin' our beach on!

High School Musical…Z Squad Style! We be craycray! 

My CAPTIVATING Team Leader Family!

Team Leaders and Squad Leaders UNITE!

DON'T MESS…. or we'll bust out Holy Spirit FIYAHHH!!