Deuces…for now! I will be leaving the Philippines on Tuesday (sad panda) and heading into a country that is closed off to missionaries. Please keep my team and squad in your prayers, that God would cover us in safety and protect our ministry contacts that no harm would come to them. More than that, please pray that everything we do would bring glory to God while we are there, that we would have the opportunity to bless the people of that nation and bring them to a saving knowledge of Christ. Please pray for divine appointments, that our lives would be touched and that we would touch the lives of those around us as well.

As we are going into this closed country (many of you know which country that is exactly), please do not mention it to anyone as we really do not want our ministry contacts compromised. That could result in imprisonment and/or death for them, honestly. It's not really our safety that we're worried about, it's theirs. I won't be able to contact anyone, I won't be posting any blogs during this time, nor will I be on facebook or my email.

Also, since I won't be in contact with anyone, I'm going to make one last plea for additional funding. By December 1st, I need to have $10,500 in my support account otherwise I will be coming home early. =( I know this is what Papa wants for me and I am going to fight to stay on the race!!  I`m about $1,500 away from that amount with monthly pledges and money in my account already. And I'm $5,800 away from being fully funded. 
Please help me reach this goal. Tell your friends, family members, strangers. Send emails and direct people towards my blog page. Please be my advocate whether or not you can help me financially. It takes a village to raise a child, after all!

If you want to put money in my support account, visit the left side of this page. If possible, use the ebt (routing number & account number) so that they don`t take any processing fees out of your donation!

I LOVE YOU and I`m so blessed to know you/I can't wait to meet you if I haven't met you yet!!  I hope these blogs are bringing you laughter and joy as well as opening your eyes to the glory of God. Stalk away and don't forget to leave comments if you are being led!

                                                See ya mid-November when we head to South Africa!