First of all… I’m FULLY FUNDED!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you to Everyone who has prayed and given to help me reach that goal, I can’t believe it’s actually happening and I couldn’t have done it without y’all!! God really showed off there at the end, just when I was starting to worry God showed me all the reasons not to worry, just like he always does!!!  

As I’m sitting here it just hit me that in 9 days I’m going to be heading to Gainesville Georgia for brief training then I’ll be boarding a plane for Peru, for 3 months!!!! I keep trying to find the words to express what I’m feeling and I just can’t. I keep having random moments where I completely freak out about all the little things I still have to do, and things I probably need to do to… It all seems to be happening so fast that I just want it to slow down a little! 

I haven’t even left yet and already I’ve found myself being pushed further out of my comfort zone than ever before! It’s been a great conversation opener and has lead to some already awesome friendships that I know will only get strong and will last forever! My heart is overflowing with joy and love for something that I’ve never done, something I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s gonna be like, who I’m gonna meet, what God is gonna do in my heart, and what God is gonna use me to do! 

The way everything about this trip has happened has been such a God thing and I honestly can’t even begin to understand how or why, but I know this is what God wants me to do with my life at this point. So I plan on giving him all that I have to offer and letting him continue to guide my steps through the next 3 months and once I get back! 

With my departure date very quickly approaching I’d like to ask y’all to join my team and myself in praying for safe travels and for a fruitful missions trip! Pray that over the next 3 months we are able to use all of our time for the glory of God and his kingdom! That God will place us right where he needs us, and that we will be able to reach as many as we can with his love, and the gospel! 

I know this post has been all over the place, but that’s literally how my brain has been for the last week!! So Please pray I don’t forget to do or pack something important and that I can get it together long enough to at least make it to Peru!!