To tuck in my shirt even though I don’t like it.
Sometimes I don’t like living here because I get into trouble often and I usually get a spanking.
But even though I may not know it, God has a very special plan 4 me.
Just trust in Him and He’ll direct your way.
I like it here at Canaan mostly because of how they teach me of God’s Word and how important it is to know God.
I have to do some chores like picking up trash 4 example I try to do it diligently and faithfully but sometimes I don’t do it and I get into trouble.
It was on January 12, 2010 we were eating dinner and then we felt the earthquake and then we all ran outside and then we prayed and then we thanked God for protecting us and we were so scared that we slept outside for three day. All this time I was worried about my family until about one week later I found out that they were ok and I thank God for keeping them safe. And that he take care of me even if I am scared, so that I can trust in Him because He will make my life better.
I want to see a new life in Haiti, I want everybody to know God and so we can have a better government and that our leaders make good choices and so the people that are affected by the earthquake to have home because they live in tents and when it rains they flood and when the sun beats down on them it gets very hot. A lot of people turned to God after the earthquake
I just want to go to college and get a job and try to help Haiti in any way that I can.