Trafficked. “To most
of us, the word simply represents an ‘issue’-just another to choose from in the
marketplace of ideas. To the enslaved, it’s something infinitely more
devastating. It means the end of childhood and the beginning of hell. It means
ten to twenty men to service every night for years on end. It means every
manner of sexually transmitted disease, while the body just falls apart under
an abominable weight of abuse. It means the total destruction of a precious
human soul.”


Over 1
children are trafficked each year

children are trafficked each day

The Sex Trade Industry bring in over 32 billion dollars each



The Sex Trade in Thailand


Approximately 1 in 5 women

400,000 children under the
age of 16

1 in 100 will
contract HIV

Enter the sex trade
under age 18 = 90% chance of dying within 3 years

AIDS is the leading
cause of death

Average age = 7 years old

Legal Age =21 years old

1/3 of  the perpetrators
are government officials and police officers

In addition, girls at risk will most likely
enter the sex trade; poverty
is the greatest risk factor. Others include: single parent household, hill
tribe member, refugees of Burma, Philippines, and India, or unexpected
emergencies. Because of these things, it is a common practice to sell the virginity of young

In desperation, parents
release their daughters in hopes of ensuring the survival of their families. In
return, they are promised financial gain, education, training, and safety.
These parents will most likely never
see their daughters again.


These are not just statistics. These
are precious lives.


have a choice


You can do something


You can hope someone else will