HI! My name is Marah, I am from a small town in Northwest Wisconsin, and I am 21 years old. I am in the process of finishing my senior year of college at an equally small school in central Illinois, where I am studying Music Education. My hobbies include yoga, reading, puzzles, playing an assortment of instruments (some well, some badly), hiking, and spending time with my favorite people. Or any people, really. I just love people.


It’s because of several very important people that I’m even writing this blog today. I’m going to list them, shout-out style.


To my great-grandparents: I grew up hearing your stories about mission work, and wanted to grow up to be just like you.


To my family: You’ve supported every trip, from singing in Europe to building houses in Mexico to spending Christmas in Japan. You’ve fueled my adventurous spirit, but more importantly, you’ve fueled my faith.


To Allie, the girl who invited me to youth group: You were looking for a friend to gush over cute boys with, but you ended up leading me to Christ. God bless you.


To the pastor who led my first international missions trip: You taught me the phrase, “Go, send, or disobey.” I have not been the same since.


To my best friends from college: You listened and nodded politely every time I would watch the travel channel and say, “I want to go there!” You gave me rides to church, you prayed with me, did Bible studies with me, and loved me through a lot. You have given me advice, tough love, cookies, and hugs, but most importantly, you gave me encouragement when I was struggling with myself in the form of a World Race blog.


To a former Racer: When you got back from the World Race, at least 2 years ago, you wrote a post about why it is okay and even important to love yourself with the eyes of Christ. Because of that post, I started exploring the rest of the World Race website, and an obsession was born.


To Jesus (cheesy, but go with it): It is because of your timing and peace that I accepted my spot on the World Race. It is because of the work you’ve been doing in my heart for YEARS that I applied, and your work in the heart of a very special young man that I accepted. Your gospel, which changed my life, deserves to be heard.


“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10


I am beyond excited that I finally get to step into a position that I believe God has been preparing for me for a very long time. I am not just accepting a year-long spot on one (amazing) trip around the world, but his call to leave everything behind and to go, making disciples of all nations.


Route 3, here I come!