As my senior year is quickly coming to an end I have been getting a lot of questions about what’s next for me, so here it is. 

I have struggled figuring out what career to pursue in my future but I knew after college I wanted to do something different, to go out and make a change in the world. While researching every type of mission trip opportunity I could find I stumbled upon the World Race, which I had heard of before but thought they only offered yearlong mission trips. When I realized, they offered semester trips I was sold right then and there, I looked through the countries, reading what each trip entailed and Ghana stood out to me the most. 

During our month in Ghana my team and I will be serving with City of Refuge Missions, who works with children who have been orphaned, abandoned, trafficked, or are vulnerable to these things. They also work with single women and teach them skills to start their own businesses.

What I look forward to most about this journey is growing in my faith, stepping out of my comfort zone, and strengthening my relationship with God. I’ll be the first to admit that I have struggled prioritizing my Faith in college. College has been hard, busy, stressful, and very distracting. Even though I have really great friends, and a sorority full of amazing Christian ladies to encourage me; sometimes I felt like school was so overwhelming that I didn’t leave enough time for Jesus in my schedule. 

As I fundraise and prepare for my launch date in June I hope to learn to stress less and have faith in God’s plan for me. 

How can you help:
Soon I will be selling t-shirts to raise money for my Ghana trip as well as hosting a fundraising dinner in March. You are also welcome to donate using the “donate” link in my blog. I’d also appreciate prayers for my team and I as we fundraise and prepare our hearts for this mission. 
