Hello friends, family and strangers!!! So first I want to say that I have never EVER blogged before so try to bare with me through this one and hopefully I will slowly get better over the next 2 years. And second, THANK YOU x A MILLION for clicking over to my blog and reading my many thoughts! This is the place to be from now until May 2020 to keep up with all the craziness of what is now my life & everything Jesus is about to teach me!  

With that being said… WOW do I have some exciting, wonderful, life changing, beautiful, (all the other really good adjectives) news! Instead of applying for college i applied to this thing called World Race Gap Year, and I GOT ACCEPTED!! Now you’re probably asking “what the heck is that??” Gap Year is ran by an organization called Adventure in Missions. Beginning in September 2019 I will be traveling to Swaziland, Thailand, Nicaragua and I will be back in the states in May 2020. We will spend roughly 3 months in each country and be living out of our backpacks. Our soul mission will be to share the love of God, whatever that may look like. From teaching english, to helping in clinics or organizations, to just lovin’ on some of our brothers and sisters. I will be living in a Christ like community with a bunch of other jesus loving rockstars that have been called on this same journey and i honestly could not be more PUMPED!!

At this point you are probably thinking why now? why gap year? Well I’ll tell you…

God first called me to missions in September of 2017 and lit a fire in my heart. I took my first mission trip to Haiti and fell in love with the culture, the people, and just being able to to truly go into the world and tell people about Jesus ( Mark 16:15). God gave me the ability to be able to go to Haiti four times in one year! It is still hard for me to wrap my head around that I mean really… WHAT CAN’T GOD DO?? I finally found my passion and I knew I could not spend the next year of my life after high school sitting in more classrooms, it just was not for me. When I found out about world race I continuously got confirmation after confirmation that this was Gods calling for my life and here we are! And why not now? If there is one thing I have learned about timing is that if God has called you to it he will see you through it, no matter how much and now matter what time (or lack there of). 

Now, how can you be involved in this journey?

This trip will coast about $16,600. I know out loud that number sounds crazy but truthfully I am so excited to see how God uses others to expand the kingdom. And I truly can’t do this without you guys. With that being said I am asking for not only your financial support but also your prayers. I would not being writing this without all the many prayer warriors that have been along side me through this journey and I believe I won’t be going with out them (and hopefully the many more who choose to do so). I need prayers for myself, my team, the countries we will be traveling to and everyone we will meet. Prayers for open hearts, eyes to see, ears to listen and everything in between.

So here is how you can help support me financially! 

1. Right here! You can give right here on my blog and this is probably the easiest and most convenient way to donate. All you have to do is click the donate button. You can give once, monthly or quarterly. $1,$5,$10,$100… ANYTHING helps and all is so so appreciated.  

2. Any checks/money orders must be made out to Adventures in Missions with my name in the memo line! They can be sent to Adventure in Missions PO box 74570 Atlanta, GA 30374-2570. 

3. Participation in my fundraisers! Throughout this next year I will be selling shirts, having percent nights at local restaurants and a bunch of other fun things. I would love to see all of your sweet faces at these events and in my shirts. This is also a great way to start conversations and let people know about what God is doing! 

And Adventure in Missions is a tax-exempt organization! 

“You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous in every way. Such generosity produces thanksgiving to God through us.” 2 Corinthians 9:11 

I think that is all I have for now guys. Again, thank you so much for taking the time to read this and choosing to stand along side me on this journey. If anyone has any questions  or prayer request you can write comments below or contact me personally though any of my social media accounts! –Instagram: maggiebeth77 Facebook: Maggie O’Bryan –  I am so excited to see how God is going to use you guys and for the many things He is about to teach me. Until next time! 

With all the love, 
