It’s been a while. I’ve had some major writers block these past few months. But, nevertheless Jesus has been super sweet as usual! I’ve been learning a whole lot that I’d like to share with you guys. 


  1. All seasons are hard. In this season of waiting I’ve felt very stagnant. Like I’m waiting for God to do something big when WR rolls around so He can’t possibly be doing anything big right now but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In this season of waiting and sprinting to the finish line of graduation God is still working and doing some pretty neat stuff. I gotta stop underestimating Him and start giving Him credit for all the day to day blessing that I over look. 
  2. God is my provider. I was on facetime with one of my closest friends just the other day and she said something that really stuck with me especially in this time of fundraising. God is our provider but that doesn’t just apply to finances. That means he provides us with energy to get up in the morning, he provides us with joy and with courage and everything else! So when I’m stressed about money/fundraising, yes I need to go to God for help and comfort. But when I wake up in the morning knowing that I couldn’t even get out of bed without His provision  THAT is when I can really start comprehending God’s wonder and grace and the rest will follow suit. 
  3. I am CHOSEN. This one is a big one for me. For the past few years I’ve really struggled knowing my worth and my identity in Christ, this past week at my church we had a girls night and the message was on just that. It is so easy to give into your fear and insecurity to the point where you are disobedient to God because you believe you are incapable of the task at hand. But that is simply a lie. If God has called you to it, He will equip you for it (the words of Pastor Devin herself). So I’m just working on living in that truth day by day. God has called me to WRGY and because of that He is preparing me for it more and more everyday. 
  4. JOY. simply learning about Joy. how to get it & how to keep it. Both answers are simple… Jesus. My joy doesn’t come from anyone but Jesus and therefore my joy cannot be taken by anyone. Through the drama and the craziness that is high school I’m choosing to rest in Jesus and because of Him I can wake up on the worst of days and have a joyful heart because He good, He is faithful, He is all mighty, and worthy of ALL the praise. 


Those are just a few things I’ve been learning and things I’m working on. I’m really excited for the future, I know God is doing some big things right now and is planning some big things as well. I want to thank you guys so much for continuing to donate to me, I couldn’t do this without all of you and I’m so grateful! I’m 34% funded so only 66% to go!!! I hope this helped someone and feel free to leave any prayer request in the comments or text me personally! Love you guys!

– Mags