What a month it was. After hopping into a crazy week my first week back in the states, I’ve finally had some time to slow down & start to process all the Lord did this past month in Colombia. Answering the question How was Colombia?” is difficult when I am not even sure how to put into words all that was learned & experienced in my time there. There were high highs and low lows. Hard days and really sweet days. Yet in all the highs and all the lows, the Father was constant & steady. In Him alone is where true peace is found. 

There are many things I learned & many ways I grew – both as a person & in my understanding of the Lord and who He is calling me to be. My prayer is that this snapshot of the past month ultimately gives all the glory to Jesus. There is nothing good or special about me or my team apart from Jesus Christ. 


If I had to sum up Colombia in a single phrase it would be this one: 


Our Father is a God who delights in bringing redemption to seemingly unredeemable places. He is near to the brokenhearted. He is making all things new. He loves the unlovable and is a voice for the voiceless. There is a reality of darkness and brokenness in Medellin and even still Jesus is present there. His Light is breaking through. Piece by peace He is restoring this city & is raising up Kingdom builders that are committed to the mission of God. 


I left Colombia feeling heartbroken for the brokenness of our world, yet encouraged by what God is doing. I find rest in the confidence of His promise that He is making all things new. That He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore” (rev. 21:4)


 Among the many other things I learned are these:

  • Community is hard, but it is worth it. Fight for unity.
  • My best leadership comes from the overflow of the Spirit in me. 
  • Because the Spirit dwells in me, I can walk in peace. Perfect love casts out all fear. 
  • Laughing really hard with friends is worshipful & life giving. 
  • There is power in prayer. The Father delights in hearing from His kids. 
  • Vulnerability spurs on more vulnerability, which leads to freedom. 


I am forever in awe that God is so kind to have invited me into His mission in Colombia. What a privilege it was to squad lead an incredible team of women who walked out the mission of God this past month and brought Kingdom to Earth. Thank you, Jesus. 


If you want to hear more about this past month or have any questions, please reach out! I pray you would find rest & peace in the comfort of Jesus today.

