Hello there! I am Madeline Grassi. I am 19 years old and excited to see where God takes me in life. I go to Corban University in Oregon. There I am studying to be an elementary school teacher!! I am going to Guatemala this summer to spread the gospel and serve Jesus. I am so hyped about this!! I have always had a heart for missions, but I never made it out of the states. I was 10 when I decided in my little mind that I wanted to be a missionary. God has taught me that you can be a missionary for him in any field you decide to go into. This is awesome, but God has also placed a great big desire in my heart to “go, see, and do.” So that is what I have decided to do this summer, after being called to Guatemala. God has gifted his children in so many ways and I am excited to see how he uses mine and my teams gifts to glorify him on this trip. I love kids and love to sing and play worship songs on my ukulele. I am hoping that I will get a chance to do this in Guatemala. I am so excited to serve with amazing people and to explore another beautiful place of God’s creation!!!