Hello, it’s Me! 

Yes, Me! I’m still here & doing better than ever!

I know it’s been almost a month since I last blogged & I’d like to say it wasn’t my doing–take it up with the Big Man upstairs. Weellll, I guess I played a part too. You see, I like to feel accomplished & push myself to achieve a lot. Sometimes I forget there are only so many hours in a day & sometimes I realize there is only 24 hours & tend to crank it out as quickly as I can. Hey, why waste time, am I right?! If you’re a lot like me, it’s great hitting the sack & lying awake feeling proud of all you’ve accomplished in a single day, when earlier that morning your mind was spinning from your mental (or physical) list. Then, after you admire all the checks beside each task, it starts over & you begin making tomorrows list. After a day like this, I always feel on top of the world but boy, am I exhausted! My bed truly has never felt any better! If you can relate, than this is perfect for you but if you can’t, you may one day! Either way, keep reading!

In the last two weeks, God has been teaching me about the importance of Sabbath & REST. It was pretty settle in the beginning with verses & the word ‘rest’ popping up during the week but of course I was too busy to want to do anything about it. Then He decided to team up with my family & used them to speak to me. I opened one of the cards they gave me before I left and it was all about rest & Sabbath! I thought, “Okay God, I get it now, I need rest.” & I decided to check it out.

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” 

Exodus 20:8

“The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the needs of the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord, even over the Sabbath.”

Mark 2:27

“My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Exodus 33:14

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Matthew 11:28

There is so much I want to do & accomplish but God is reminding me to just rest in Him & that He’s got everything taken care of. My family reminded me that God made Sabbath just for that reason- resting in Him. He created it not because He needed it but because He knew we would. God has told me to rest- no lists, no pressure & zero expectations; and therefore, no blogging. It’s waking up in the morning with a clear schedule & ready to go wherever the Lord leads. 

Sabbath looks different for each person & God is still helping find out what it looks like for me. Lately, it’s been waking up early & hanging out with Jesus on the kitchen floor while eating my favorite breakfast- oatmeal, hanging out with my squad, journaling & listening to music, talking with family, going on walks & observing just how incredible His creation is. Since learning what rest is & applying it to my life, I have realized how important it really is- mentally, emotionally, physically & spiritually. Guys, it’s SO good & SO refreshing! And oh man, don’t even get me started about alone time! That is some good stuff too! Anyway, God for sure knew rest would be important for people like you & me who live the lifestyle of “I have to do it all” so that is why He gifted us with Sabbath- a day to stop, rest, refresh, refuel and honor Him by worshiping & building a relationship with Him. He loves hanging out with us & giving us the rest needed to take on whatever lies ahead. He’s already given us permission so now all we have to do is take Him up on it! You probably need it more than you realize & trust me, you won’t regret it. This is coming from a girl who used to hate rest & is still learning to enjoy it! I encourage you to rest in the Lord this week, even if it was for just a little bit. I’d love to hear about your Sabbath & what the Lord revealed to you through it! Feel free to leave a comment or message me on any form of social media below 🙂

I hope you have a wonderful & restful week!

La Revedere!

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Stay Tuned <3