Hello there!

During each season of my life, God gives me a song that describes that time of my life. Every time I am reminded of His unconditional love for me, I’m amazed how well He knows exactly what I need, even before I do. I wanted to share my journey with you from a new perspective, from the very beginning to where I’m at now with sharing songs of the seasons. 

Oh, what a beautiful mixtape it is <3

So let’s start from the very beginning, a very good place to start…

In middle school, God gave me my life motto “Live to make a difference”. I decided to follow His calling for my life and fully commit to living a life to make a difference in those around me & being okay with being set apart. When the song Different by Micah Tyler came out it instantly became my favorite song and turned into an important prayer of mine. 

I was so touched by So will I by Hillsong Worship. It gave me a beautiful perspective of just how powerful & loving our Creator is. There is really no way to describe how amazing He is. He spoke to me through the verse “If you gave your life to love them, So will I”. 

Next, I had two options- college or the Race. I gave God complete control of my life & stepped into a huge prayer life asking Him what His will for my life was. A month of praying & trying my best to wait patiently for an answer, God gave me the song While I Wait by Lincoln Brewster. After waiting on His perfect timing, He confirmed His calling & the process of preparing for the beginning of the race. This song reminded me of God’s character & that I needed to align my heart to the truth of who He is. Since I knew His Character and the truth of who He is, I was able to worship Him during the unknown. 

As launch got closer & closer, the enemy began using this time to tear me down & fill my thoughts with lies. I was exhausted, overwhelmed & felt like I was falling apart. The schemes of the enemy got demolished when In the Hand of a Potter by Casting Crowns became my anthem song. It played on repeat in my mind as God used it to remind me of the truth & to show me His faithfulness. He used this song to remind me that He has called me by name & that whatever He has started He will complete from the inside out. He continued to remind me of His love for me. One of my favorite verses of this song is, “now the enemy is afraid of what You’re making me”. I knew God was faithful & that He was going to use me in incredible ways so I wasn’t going to let the enemy take that from me. 

A few days before I left God reminded me of the song Oceans by Hillsong United. It lit a passion inside of me & my grew my faith tremendously. With the fire burning inside of me, I was able to use it to disciple those around me & be a part of sparking curiosity & a desire for Him in their hearts. It gave me a little glimpse of what my life on the Race would be like & I couldn’t wait to start.

The first month of the Race, I was taken from what was comfortable & familiar into the unknown with people I barely knew. All at once, God taught me so much & grew me in so many ways. The process was hard but worth it. Lord, I need you by Matt Maher became a prayer of humility knowing I had to depend on Him and that I couldn’t do it alone.

He truly showed me that He is such a good God & has been so faithful throughout my entire life. I sang this song of praise to Him & gave Him more of me along to the song Goodness of God by Bethel Music

Simple Gospel by United Pursuit was a song that our worship team sang a lot. God reminded me that this was my favorite song in middle school when I thirst for more and desired to be transformed by Him. The first time the team sang it, God spoke to me & showed me that I was becoming the woman of God I so badly desired to be in middle school. 

God spoke to me through the song Another in the Fire by Hillsong United and showed me that there is no trial or challenge I could ever go through that He wouldn’t be right beside me. He’s constantly fighting for me & protecting me. His is such a powerful & miracle working God. 

I’m currently halfway through my Race!!! I’m in a season where I wake up each morning asking for His eyes & perspective to see all things new and with a grateful heart. I don’t want to miss what He’s trying to reveal to me or take for granted this life He’s blessed me with. Give me your Eyes by Bradon Heath is my prayer for the season I’m in now.

I love each season He’s taken me through & is continuing to take me to. I love all He’s taught me & the growth that has happened. God is so good in every season of our life. These songs are ways He spoke to me & were my prayers & praises to Him during each season. The lyrics hold so much power & meaning. I hope that you have time to listen to each song & be encouraged by them. I would encourage you to reflect on the season that you’re currently in & ask God what your song is for this season He is walking you through.