Seasons have changed.

Due to the Coronavirus, Adventures in Missions has sent all squads doing the World Race home. 

In 24 hours, I found out I was going home, having to say goodbye to this life & the family we’ve created two months early. Every hour changes were being made & everything was completely unknown. Everything happened so fast that my mind hasn’t caught up to reality yet & I haven’t had a chance to process.

Although, It’s not only a time to grieve this season that has unexpectedly come to a close, but also a time to rejoice in all God has done these last seven months.

When signing up to serve the Lord overseas, I never thought that nine months would become seven. But how COOL is it that seven is God’s number of completion!!!!

I prepared myself for nine months, when really the Lord prepared me for seven.

I prepared myself for my last country to be Ecuador, when the Lord planned a route change to the US.

I didn’t need nine months overseas to prepare me for what He has planned for me in the States.

Here it is almost month seven & He said it’s time. It’s time for the season to change & for you to go back home. It’s time to continue this missionary lifestyle in the States that He’s prepared me for these last 7 months. He’s given me all the tools I need & now He has called me to use them back in my hometown. He’s switched my mission field but the mission stays the same, building kingdom.

How incredible is it that He’s told 500 missionaries that they are completely equipped to go back home & continue making a difference in their home!! Radical change is coming to the US!

It’s a time to rejoice for the season I had & the season that is coming.

Yes, it’s going to be hard, I’m sad & to be honest, I don’t want to be home but I know I’m ready & equipped.

The yes I said to the Lord isn’t wavered by my circumstances. It stands firm knowing that I can trust in the Creator of the universe & that whatever happens He is still good.

I can confidently say that I trust in the Lord & I am not afraid. I’ve chosen to rejoice and be joyful even through my sorrow.

His perfect peace & abundant joy continues to cover me as I’m back in my old mission field. I’m welcoming it with an open heart to be used by Him. 

There are no words to express my gratitude for these last seven months & all God has done in & through me! God has big things planned for my whole squad & I’m excited!

I’ve been home for a few days now & still I don’t know how I’m doing. I know what my soul says but each day I’m going through something different. I’ll be here for the next two weeks in self quarantine spending time with God processing & transitioning. 

I would love prayer for myself & my squad as we begin to process & transition back home.  Thank you so much for all your support!

Love you guys <3


Stay tuned for more Blogs!!