Hello there! I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my trip & thought I’d write a blog to hopefully answer them for y’all 🙂 Enjoy.


Q: What is the World Race Gap Year?

 A: The World Race is a non-profit organization that gives young people the opportunity to be short-term missionaries in other countries. There are three different types of races someone can go on. The main race is the World Race which is 11 months in 11 countries (ages 21-35) & then there is the one I am doing, the World Race Gap Year (ages 18-20)! The last one is Semesters & this is one to six semesters in one continent (ages 18-22).


Q: What countries are you going to?

 A: 1st: Romania. 2nd: Guatemala. 3rd: Ecuador.


Q: How long will you be gone for?

A: Nine months!! I will be spending three months in each country.


Q: How big is the group you are with?

A: My route (route 2) is actually pretty small. The groups are called Squads. There are 23 of us in my Squad! There are 6 different routes & each route can have up to 50 people in them. We will most likely be split up into smaller teams during our trip. I have been in contact with my squadmates through social media & texting, & I am soooo excited to meet them! They are amazing!! I love them so much already!


Q: Do you know anyone going or who’ve went as a racer?

A: Nope! I am the only one from Oregon in my route.


Q: What will you be doing?

A: The main goal in our ministry is building relationships with locals. We will be doing this over coffee, food or walks & by sharing the love & joy of Christ to everyone we meet. There are different ministry goals in each country. In Romania, the focus will be towards getting to know gypsies in the community and passing out Bibles & eye glasses. In Guatemala, we will be building relationships with the teens in the local communities that might find themselves in gang violence, teaching English, and kicking around a soccer ball with the local kids. In Ecuador, our goal is to serve in ways that minister to children living on the streets, helping in hospitals, spending time in elderly homes, working with feeding programs and teaching English. 


Q: Where will you be staying?

A: This can vary depending on which country I am in. Adventures in Missions has bases in both Guatemala and Ecuador, but I could be staying in places such as host families, churches or even in our own personal tents. 


Q: How do you pack for this long of a trip?

A: Very lightly!! I will be backpacking during these nine months with a 70 L backpacking pack I purchased at REI. Packing light is not my specialty. I am one of those people who packs everything but the kitchen sink! I love clothes, so trying to figure out what to pack & what to leave home is challenging!! I will be packing my tent, sleeping bag & pad, clothes/shoes, pillow, mess kit, hammock & other miscellaneous items. All of these items compress to a small size. I am told my pack should weigh around 45lbs. I will also be bringing a daypack that I will use everywhere I go. This will hold my laptop, camera & any important things! 


Q: What are you doing to prepare for the race?

A: Some of the preparation includes receiving vaccines, visiting REI about once a week (sometimes more) to ask a million questions & purchase my gear, buying appropriate clothing (which let me tell ya, this has not been easy, especially these days!), fundraising (lots of it!!!), and hiking to get used to my pack. I have been trying to prepare mentally & spiritually as well. I know this will be the hardest year of my life. I’m going to get homesick. I’m going to have doubts. I’m going to miss a lot of things. I’m going to be challenged & stretched physically, mentally & spiritually. Acknowledging this ahead of time & preparing for it is super important! Even though I know these things will come up, I also know it will be the best year of my life & sooo life changing! 


Q: Will you be able to communicate with people in the states? If so, How?

A: Yes!! I will be bringing my laptop & phone so I will be able to communicate through wifi! I’ll probably be in a café, coffee shop or something of that sort where there is wifi. I think this will be so much fun because I can be like “Hi [insert your name], I’m in this super awesome café & look what I’m eating or drinking, etc”… It will be great!! 


Q: How much do you have to raise for your trip? And what does/doesn’t that include?

A: I have to raise $16,600! I am almost halfway!! (yayyyy!!! Thank you for all your support!) This includes all the transportation within the trip, lodging, meals, medical insurance, training camp & more! It does not include flights to & from training camp, to launch & back home from my last destination. I am also responsible for purchasing toiletries & items like that, and any costs that the medical insurance does not cover. So, overall it is a great deal!!! 


Q: Are the countries you are going to dangerous?

A: Any place in the world has some sort of danger or some reason to be cautious. I believe if anything, I will be more cautious in these countries because it’s unfamiliar. Since it is not my home or a place I know very well, I will always have my guard up & aware of my surroundings. At home, my guard is down & it’s easy for me to feel safe since I know what’s around me. But in other countries I won’t have this comfort or familiarity, so I will always be watching & taking it all in. There are strict guidelines I am required to follow that will keep me safe such as buddy system at all times, strict dress code, etc. God has given me a peace that has allowed me not to worry or be afraid because I know He will be with me & protect me. 


Q: Do you get to come home at all throughout the year or can your parents visit?

A: Nope! I’ll be away for nine months straight! But there is a Parent Week during our last location where our parents can come and visit & see us do our thang! Whoop whoop! 


Q: What are you most excited about? 

A: Everything!!! I cannot wait to be a part of God’s amazing works & use all I have for Him! I’m excited for Him to show & teach me things that I will never forget.  I can’t wait to come back a changed & better person! I want to be challenged & to continue to grow my relationship with God. I’m excited to work alongside my brothers & sisters in Christ and create new friendships that will last a lifetime! Some smaller things I am excited about is trying new foods, traveling and pretty much anything new! I love it! I also cannot wait to learn new languages to be able to communicate better with the locals! Oh my goodness, I am so pumped!!! Honestly this list could continue forever!


Thank you for all of your questions & taking interest in my new adventure! It has gotten me even more excited!! I hope this answered a lot of your questions & more!


Stay Tuned <3