We stood in the middle of a dirt road where the chicken bus had dropped us off, asking God for vision- who He wanted us to talk to & where He wanted us to go. We made a last minute decision to go to this village we have never been to before.

After a few minutes with the Lord we came together with words, visions & different things God had spoken to us about. Yellow was a common theme of the Lord’s visions for our group. God gave some people just the color yellow & others specifically a yellow house. Jacob, who is an alumni team leader interning in Guatemala now, was with us too. This village we were in was his ministry last year. He told us he remembered going to a yellow house last year. He quickly disappeared to search for the yellow house & returned a couple minutes later & led us up a hill to (not a yellow house) but a family he visited last year that wanted all of us to visit.

This family was so full of joy & were so hospitable. That’s one of my most favorite things about Guatemala. The families are so hospitable & welcoming! They love with their whole heart! The mother was so happy to let us make tortillas with her & for us to eat our own creations.

At the end, Jacob got a word for the family & it described them so perfectly. They are the light on the hill that cannot be hidden. He saw that Jesus had created a dome of protection around their home with himself which shined His light.

Their house is the first house you see coming into this village. He said that the whole community is drawn to them because of their love & care for others. Their community can look to their house on the hill and know that there is light in the darkness. They can go to the house knowing that they are loved & welcomed. The light & joy this family carries is so pure & so radiant. I left feeling filled to the tippy top, not of tortillas but of the Father’s love & joy.

Jacob led us to different family that he built a relationship with last year. This mother reminded me of Matthew 17:20. The faith that she has moves mountains. 

Her son has had a tumor on the side of his head since he was three months old and he’s now 10. The mother told us that the only time he feels pain is when he’s outside during night & the moonlight is bright. She prays for healing everyday because she knows it’s the best thing she can do & she believes the Lord will heal him.

God speaks to this woman through her dreams. About four months ago, she saw the moon & a rainbow right next to each other in her dream. She said the Lord spoke to her though this and told her that she & her family are so loved by Him. As she was speaking, I instantly thought of the significance of the Rainbow & how it symbolizes His promise to us. I spoke to her & said how beautiful it was that God gave her an opportunity to see this. She told us that the only time her son feels pain is when the moon is out. I was able to share with her what the Lord placed in my mind & how beautiful it was that God placed His sign of His promise next to the cause of her son’s pain. I told her that even through her son’s pain, God promises that He will take care of him. God truly touched, not only her heart but mine as well. The promise & the way that God gave to this mother was so cool and a great reminder for all of us. 

He is a God who always keeps His promises & always fulfills His word. Today reminded me of a verse in a worship song that says:

“Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness. My God, that is who You are.”

That is who our God is!!! How cool!!!


Thanks for reading! Stay tuned <3