Dear Maddie,

I’m so happy that our friend Morgan challenged us to write a blog about a fellow squadmate & that I was chosen to write to you!

Since you joined less than a month ago, I am still getting to know you, & from what I’ve noticed so far, you are pretty AMAZING! I cannot wait to become one of your fellow sisters on the race!

While thinking about what I would write, I thought I’d do a little behind the scenes work to get to know you a little more. This may or may not have included some social media stalking. I admit, any amount of stalking is creepy, but I promise you this wasn’t too extreme. Especially since I didn’t have much to go off of because it looks like you’re pretty new to social media too. This led me to Plan B (which now that I think about it, it should have been Plan A to begin with), Spending time in God’s presence & allowing Him to guide me.

Through my not-so-creepy stalking, I was able to read your blog. Which was great!! It got me SO excited to write to you because I found that we have a few things in common:

  • We both love helping others & sharing God’s love with those around us.

  • We both had our own plan- we applied to colleges, got accepted, committed & were ready to live that college life.

  • & another fascinating similarity is, we both want to pursue Elementary Education when we return home from the race!!

We both have experienced the same thing- God completely changed our plans! & I think we can confidently say that is was for the better!!

The Lord says: 

“Commit everything you do to the Lord.

Trust Him, and he will help you.”

Psalm 37:5


You did just this Maddie! You have committed the next year of your life to the Lord & because of this, He will bless you. The next step in this journey is to put all your trust in Him. Trust Him with your fundraising, all the preparation mentally & physically, & with your future. If He got you into this, He will provide all you need & more! & lastly, He will help you. You no longer have to spend time in fear or doubt because God is right there with you. He is there through the whole process & He will help guide you.

One of the things I love most about you is that you completely surrendered your life to Him & have allowed Him to lead you on this new adventure with Him. Your joy & heart for the Lord is very special. You are a Daughter of the King, how cool is that?! I am beyond excited to see how He uses you on the race!

It has been great getting to know you these last few weeks & seeing your fun & kind personality shine! I am very excited to see how God works through you & begins to transform you into the person He has called you to be.

I would like to end this letter to you with a prayer:


Dear Jesus,

I pray that you would put a hedge of protection around Maddie. That you would guard her heart & mind so that she may focus on your presence & the amazing work you have performed in her life. Don’t allow fear or worry enter her state of mind & cloud all that you have done & will continue to do over these next few months. Fill her with your perfect peace. Give her strength & wisdom. You are with her through this journey. I  pray that you would continue to provide all she needs, whether that is financially, mentally or spiritually. Continue to guide & grow her. Thank you Lord for Maddie & for her obedience to your call. Let her continue to trust you & not be afraid.



Enjoy the process Maddie!! See ya in a few weeks!!!!


Your Sister in Christ,

Mackenzie Larsen


(go check out her blog– & get to know who I will be spending 9 months with!!!)


Thanks for tuning in <3