“The Lord will always provide.” As followers in Christ, that is all we have to hold on to. It is what helps us in our unexpected brokenness.

In Genesis, God tells Abraham to take his son, Isaac, to Moriah to be a burnt offering. Faithfully, Abraham loads the donkey and climbs the mountain with his only, God given, son. On their trek, Isaac spoke up and asks his father, “The fire and wood are here, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.”

I can only wonder if Abrahams hands shook, as he clutched the knife he was to use on his own boy. However, even in his fear of losing his own flesh and blood, he still trusted in God. Abraham shows unwavering faith, even without any proof that God will provide the lamb. No matter what God asks him to sacrifice, no matter the cost, he believes God will provide the way. 

This type of “blind faith” is what I aspire to gain. In my time of preparation for the World Race I have experienced doubt. The expenses only grow and seem to be endless, and time slips away from me. Which brings me to one question: “How am I going to do this?” I roll the questions around in my head, and I wrestle with God.

A few of my squad members in my group recommended an author. Claimed that her book was worth the read. After I bought the book, I began to devour it, page by page. I came across a scripture that was really eye opening. Romans 8:32- “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all- how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” ALL THINGS. I never thought about it that way. I doubted the Father who gave his ONLY son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins. That He could not take care of what is just merely “numbers” to Him. It is mundane of me to doubt His word, and it is my flesh that brings that doubt.

I was looking at my situation all wrong. I was asking: “How am I going to do this?” When I should have been asking: “What is my next step Lord?” I read from that very book, “Sometimes the blessing is in the wrestling, because though we are wounded, we ache to see the face of God.” 

As Christians, we have no choice but to follow God. It is what our flesh, and our spirit craves. God gave us redemption. He forgave us; and all we have to do is put our trust in Him. In our brokenness, we ache for our Father. We hope and pray and God says, “Trust me for the redemption that you can’t see yet. Trust me to provide.”