High School seniors are far too familiar with the questions, “What are you doing after you graduate?, Which college are you going to?, What are your plans?”. The anticipated answer -of course- is that we are all going to a college, that we have some grand scheme for the course of our lives. My answer? No, I am not actually going to college next fall. I do plan to go to college, but not next fall; instead God has called and I have answered, to go to the nations, to share the gospel, to love others as He has loved us.

          I have felt the call from God -to spread his word. For years I have known that God wants me to be a missionary. Where exactly? I do not know, but I have answered the call to go. I will travel in His service for 9 months; I will be growing ever closer to God while having the amazing opportunity to serve others. Assuredly, a dedication of this coming year to God will change my life. I am ready to devote myself to him with no heed for the cost. Next fall I am going to be leaving on a trip to Costa Rica, South Africa, Myanmar, and Thailand. I will be serving in many various ways to many different peoples. God will move in and through me as I prepare for and begin this journey.

          As Paul describes in Acts 20:22-27 he was compelled to GO. He was told by the Spirit that it would be dangerous, yet he held no concern for the danger so long as the gospel would be advanced. To Paul, life and comfort were but a small price to pay if he could become a part of the great work of  Christ. I too accept God’s call; I will go with a team through Adventures In Missions. If it is uncomfortable, if it is “dangerous”, if it is outside of the expected college to career path, so be it. The advancement of the gospel is worth far more than any of those things to me.

          To go: I will need the support of many, the prayers of many, the funding from many. I ask that you begin praying now for me, for the team, and for the hearts of those we will touch. If you have read this and felt God telling you to support me in this in more than just prayer I ask that you would answer his call as I have. The easiest way to do that currently is from my blog page under the donate tab. Leave the “program” as is and follow the rest of the directed steps. Thank you all in advance for all prayers and financial support. I will soon have more available options for helping to support this trip.

Adventures In Missions, Inc. (Adventures) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Adventures is also a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) which means that Adventures meets or exceeds all of the ECFA’s standards for the management of donated funds.