OK so here are a few tips for future racers about to go to training camp.  You won’t find out much about what took place at training camp here because I don’t want to spoil it for you; it’s so much more fun and adventurous if you don’t know anything!  But here you go—11 tips and things to think about!  I hope it’s helpful 🙂

  1. Be open, be honest, and be vulnerable!  Training camp is a safe place, and you’ll be surrounded with love and encouragement!  Come with an open heart and be ready to be completely transparent.  Your squad mates are AWESOME and they are going to be your family this year and even beyond that so don’t be afraid to talk about the hard things, they can totally handle it! You’re not alone in any of your struggles, remember that!
  1. OK be ready to release the chains!  Whether it’s deep pain, shame, or fear be ready to just let that go!  There’s so much freedom in being the Son or Daughter that God created you to be!  Our father loves us so much and he wants us to walk with him hand in hand.  Be ready to receive your Father’s love and let go of whatever is holding you back from greater intimacy with him!
  1. Be PRESENT!  I promise you it’s going to be an amazing experience if you allow it to be.  With that being said, I really don’t think it’s necessary to bring an iPad or laptop, just leave it at home.  You really don’t even need a phone!  Be engaged with your squad mates, mentors, and coaches!  I had my phone with me sometimes to snap pictures, but I had it shut off almost the whole time, and I’m sooo glad I did!  I’m even considering not bringing it on the race with me.  One of my favorite things about training camp was that no one was on their phones the entire time!  We were just lovin’, laughin’, and getting to know each other!  It was a blast! Yayyyuh!
  1. If you have an ENO or some other kind of hammock, bring it!!! I didn’t even have mine before training camp, but I slept in my squad mate Rachel’s (Thanks bbygurl! Lol) almost every night by choice, because HELLO, it’s so fun and comfortable! But seriously, it’s probably the comfiest thing I had all week and I loved waking up every morning to a beautiful sunrise from my ENO with my BFFs Mardie & Anissa! 
  1. Don’t over-pack, like seriously.  You’ll be carrying around ALLLLL of your stuff quite a bit, trust me.  So just bring the essentials!  I brought my huge apologetics study bible because I was stubborn and thought I wouldn’t mind carrying it around.   Let’s just say I went and bought a tiny travel sized bible as soon as I could after training camp!
  1. Take it all in and have a joyful spirit!  LAUGH!  It helps when you’re exhausted, hungry, and in need of a solid shower.  It’s cliché but make the most of all the weird sleeping / and team scenarios you’ll be put in.  If you have a positive attitude, it makes every situation fun and interesting!  I promise.  One night I was in a tent with like six other people and even though it was really hot and infested with crickets, it was a blast because we shared testimonies, played What Are the Odds (BEST GAME EVR), and just laughed a lot. 
  1. Go to God!  Like I said you’ll be super tired sometimes, you’ll get hungry, and you’ll find yourself feeling super grungy and probably even smelly (I sure was)!  Pray!  Seek the Father when you need energy.  Seek the Father when you need your fill.  Seek the Father when you need comfort.  The times when we are at our most vulnerable and uncomfortable are the times when the Holy Spirit shows up in big ways!  Get ready! 
  1. Don’t forget your spork and mess kit, just trust me.
  1. Bring a journal and really try to process what God is doing around you and in you.  I’m an ENFP so it’s a real struggle for me to sit quietly, journal and process what’s going on in my mind (Extrovert probz).  But it’s super important to have that personal time to process and talk to God, even if it’s tough for you to process things internally and not externally.
  2. Get to know your squad mates! My advice? Sit with a new group at each meal.  Meal times make a great opportunity for fun conversation… and food fights!!!! JK JK!!! But seriously, try and find new faces to mingle with every meal.
  3. L-I-S-T-E-N.   Listen to what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell you.  We forget that the Holy Spirit totally speaks to us through visions, words, and even other Christians.  Embrace the spiritual gifts given to you by God and share them with others!  Be bold at training camp and share what God places on your heart! 

Training camp was SUCH a blast, and I’m so pumped to launch with my team, Shekinah Glory, in a few weeks!  My first three months of ministry will be in East Africa.  My teams’ first stop is Lira, Uganda, a city about 6 hours north of the capital, Kampala.  My team will be focusing on prison ministry (HECK YA!!), evangelism, and much more.  Please continue to pray for my squad and my team! If you feel led to donate, you can click on the “support me” tab on the left hand side of my blog.  I’m still in need of financial funding and I know God will provide!  I’m also having a fundraiser at Pizza Gallery & Grill in the Avenue in Viera, FL on July 28th, this Tuesday!  Come in anytime from 5-9 PM and mention my cause to your server.  Thank you to all who have been praying for me & my team and those who have supported me financially!  I love you all so much!  XoXo.