We where all so blessed to have a wonderfull debrief time on the Island of Bradc (bradge)
i also experienced an amazing mericle, on the way back from Bosnia i developed an infection in my left tear duct
and by the next day i felt very ill, i also got some kind of boil in my knows (aaaa) and my body felt week.
At one point i got in my tent to go lay down and get rest, Chad and Cathy then came to  pray for me , i believed God 
would heal me through them, but i thought they would pray and then i would go rest and wake up feeling better.
But i realy felt Gods healing flow over me in way hard to describe with words. i then got into me tent but could not
rests for i didnt feel tyered any more, so i journaled and then went for a swim. a few hours later i was compleatly healed.

Thank You Jesus  

I was also  blessed to spend the day with a family from the Croation church, they blessed me with a wonderfull lunch and an awsome day at the sea.
the water is so clear hear and very calm.
I also got to do a kind of surfing, there was a Red Bull rock climbing contest and some blokes had a thick foam mat in the water which i positioned near the
edge and then ran down the beach , launched me self into the air , landed onto the foam and went sking (surfing) in to the ocean. Great stuff.

We of to Italy,then Greece for about two days and then to Turkey.

God bless you.

Lloyd (:>)