We left Tanzania a week earlyer than planed, and we all got place on the same flight. We never got to climb Kilimanjaro, but shortly after take-off the piolet anounced that the air traffic controllers have given clearance for us to fly over Kilimanjaro. i was expecting to see it from a distance, but to our supprise we flew low over it and circled it banking steeply to the right, we could see into the crater on the top. I then recalled the scripture in Psalm 11 “flee like a bird to your mountain” so birds dont climb, they fly, later we where blessed with a most beutifull African sun set. and best of all  a hearty welcome on arival at Jan Smuts air port at Johanneburg South Africa by some friends and family of fellow travelers.

Wow in some ways it seems as if we left yesterday and in other ways it feels like we left ages ago.
We got back on Friday and on Saturday we got to go to Ellis Park Stadium and watched a rugby game, the lions beat Western Province. the Americans with us enjoyed the culture experiane of Braai vlies and rugby.

this last week i got to go to Potchefstroom, where the anual Aard Klop arts  festival is held, it was a blessed time for me as i met up with friends and family and met many new people and i got to  do many pictures for people who gave genoures donations. i then got to visit with my Eldest brother and his wife. it was then back to the farm on Sunday.

We leave Pretoria on this Thursday 5th and head for Port Elizabeth.