This is going to be my first God appreciation post. He certainly knows what He’s doing up there and I’d like to think He has a pretty good sense of humor. But He  most definitely has some insanely perfect timing. 

As a child I grew up being told that God listened to all my prayers and would answer each one when the time was perfect. I knew that God had His own ways about things and that although prayers would be answered, the answers would often go unnoticed. I believed God was working but also believed that seeing His work was an impractical expectation.

That’s until I started getting pies to the face. Sweet treats from heaven showing me just how practical seeing God move could be. 

These often came at the times I was least expecting them. Listening to a shuffled playlist and coming across a song that said exactly what I needed to hear when I needed to hear it. Turning on my phone to find a message from the person I needed to hear from most. Wondering how I was going to afford the next thing on my list and receiving an unexpected gift from my grandparents.

Most recently was during one of my countless hours of pinterest scrolling. I stumbled across a blog talking about some hard truths for aspiring missionaries. I read through thinking nothing of it until I hit the third point and instantly broke into tears. Just another pie bomb from God.

I’ve been dreaming about going on the World Race forever but recently I’d been questioning if it were the best thing for my family. We’ve gone through a lot in the past year and I constantly felt the nag of guilt about leaving my sister behind when I knew she needed me. But God always knows better. 

God’s pie bomb: your problems at home don’t disappear. I’d known this to be true but as the blog went on it spoke about the fact that things are going to happen at home and all I’m going to want to do is go back and fix them. But also that I can’t and shouldn’t because I need to trust that God is capable enough to handle it. 

I’ve always been a fixer. Letting go is not my specialty. Especially when it comes to the people I care about most. But something about the message that it was out of my power, and I’ll be where I need to be according to His plan, not my own, ripped that sense of responsibility from me. It’s not my job to fix everything and being here in Canada or across the world won’t change the fact that He’s the one doing the fixing.

It’s times like these that I’m left in complete awe of how insanely powerful yet intimately personal my God is. His plan is trustworthy and His timing is perfect. Proofs of His immeasurable love for us are visible everyday, whether they’re hard to see or pies to the face. Learning to trust these lessons gives me the faith and confidence to throw a few pies myself, in His sweet name.